Data Access

C2D Overview

IRSA provides access to data from the final delivery (DR4, Fall 2006 and Fall 2007) of the Spitzer Space Telescope "From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks" (c2d) Legacy Project. The data are also available as Enhanced Products from the Spitzer Science Center (SSC).

c2d has delivered 867 catalogs. IRSA has merged these delivered catalogs into four groups - Clouds, Off-Cloud, Cores, Stars - and serves them through the general catalog search engine Gator. Many of the delivered catalogs, images and spectra are accessible through IRSA's general search service, Atlas. A summary of the catalogs types and how to access them is as follows:

Catalog Name Content Gator Access (merged) Atlas Access
(as delivered)
FULL Complete source lists (Section 3.2 of c2d data delivery document [ps | pdf]) Y Y
HREL Derived from the full catalogs are high reliability catalogs (Section 3.2.1 [ps | pdf]) Y Y
YSOc Derived from the full catalogs are young stellar object candidates (Section 3.2.2 [ps | pdf]) Y Y
MM Millimeter wavelength source lists (Section 3.2.3 [ps | pdf]) Y Y
Transients Catalogs of transients in two epochs (Section 3.2.4 [ps | pdf]) Y N
resampled-SWIRE Resampled sources in the ELAIS N1 field measured by the SWIRE Legacy Project, that have been used to study c2d background contamination (Section 3.8 [ps | pdf]) N
(see footnote 1 for download information) 1
(see footnote 1 for download information) 1

1 resampled-SWIRE catalogs can be downloaded in their entirety per cloud (CHA_II, LUP, OPH, PER, and SER).

The data are also available for direct download as follows: images and associated catalogs are organized according to object type - CORES or STARS - or the names of 5 major CLOUDS - ChamaeleonII (CHA_II), Lupus (LUP), Ophiuchus (OPH), Perseus (PER) and Serpens (SER); IRS spectra and MIPS SED's are organized by object name.

C2D Cloud/Star/Core Catalog Definitions

Gator serves the following C2D Cloud/Star/Core merged catalogs created by IRSA, all of which have the same columns. The "region" column in the merged catalog indicates which dataset the data originated from; region names are taken from the original, delivered catalog file name, stripping off the "catalog-" prefix and "-????.tbl" suffix (where ???? is FULL, HREL or YSOc).

Please refer to the data delivery documentation for further information. The column descriptions can be found below.

name intype units description
regionchar Region or cloud from which this catalog was drawn. Please see section above for the derivation of region column values. All possible region string values can be found here for CLOUDS, OFF CLOUDS, STARS and CORES.
c2d_IDchar Source name. The standard format is SSTc2d Jhhmmss.s+ddmmss. Note: Sources with -1 deg < dec < -1 arcmin have c2d_IDs of the form SSTc2d Jhhmmss.s+000-(m)mss. The minus sign is placed before the first nonzero minutes digit instead of in front of the degrees digits. Similarly, sources with -1 arcmin < dec < 0 place the minus sign before the first nonzero seconds digit.
rarealdegRight Ascension [J2000]
D_rarealdegUncertainty in Right Ascension
decrealdegDeclination [J2000]
D_decrealdegUncertainty in Declination
Q_poschar Flag which indicates the quality of the position agreement between bands. Grades A, B, C, D, or Q are assigned as described in Section 2.4.5 of the delivery document [pdf | ps].
Q_mergechar Flag which indicates the overall quality of the source, combining position and flux information in the form of grades A, B, C, D, or Q as described in Section 2.4.5 of the delivery document [pdf | ps].
id2masschar Source identification in 2MASS Point Source Catalog (PSC)
Prob_Galcreal Non-normalized probability source is a galaxy as described in Section 2.5.4 of the delivery document [pdf | ps]
alphareal Infrared spectral index: power-law index from a fit to all detections between 2-24 microns.
D_alphareal Uncertainty in spectral index
alpha_chi2real Reduced chi-squared from computing spectral index
alpha_nfitint Number of bands used to fit spectral index
object_typechar Source classification, as described in Section 2.5 of the delivery document [pdf | ps]
AvrealmagVisual extinction, as described in Section 2.5.2 of the delivery document [pdf | ps]
D_AvrealmagUncertainty in visual extinction
mag_IR1realmagUnextincted IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) magnitude (Section 2.5.2 [pdf | ps])
D_mag_IR1realmagUncertainty in unextincted IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) magnitude
Av_chi2real Reduced chi-squared from computing visual extinction (Section 2.5.2 [pdf | ps])
Av_nfitint Number of bands used to fit visual extinction
J_flux_crealmJy2MASS J flux
J_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in 2MASS J flux
J_date_cchardateTtimeDate of 2MASS J observation
J_Q_det_cchar Quality of 2MASS J detection
H_flux_crealmJy2MASS H flux
H_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in 2MASS H flux
H_date_cchardateTtimeDate of 2MASS H observation
H_Q_det_cchar Quality of 2MASS H detection
Ks_flux_crealmJy2MASS Ks flux
Ks_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in 2MASS Ks flux
Ks_date_cchardateTtimeDate of 2MASS Ks observation
Ks_Q_det_cchar Quality of 2MASS Ks detection
IR1_flux_1realmJyIRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR1_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR1_date_1chardateTtimeDate of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) observation, Epoch 1
IR1_Q_det_1char Quality of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) detection, Epoch 1
IR1_flux_2realmJyIRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR1_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR1_date_2chardateTtimeDate of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) observation, Epoch 2
IR1_Q_det_2char Quality of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) detection, Epoch 2
IR1_flux_crealmJyIRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, combined epochs
IR1_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux, combined epochs
IR1_date_cchardateTtimeDate of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) observation, combined epochs
IR1_Q_det_cchar Quality of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) detection, combined epochs
IR1_Q_flux_mchar Quality of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) flux match
IR1_imtypeint Image type from IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) source extraction
IR1_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) source
IR1_amajorrealpixelsLength of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) source major axis
IR1_aminorrealpixelsLength of IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um) source minor axis
IR1_tiltrealdegTilt angle for IRAC1 (IRAC 3.6 um)
IR2_flux_1realmJyIRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR2_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR2_date_1chardateTtimeDate of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) observation, Epoch 1
IR2_Q_det_1char Quality of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) detection, Epoch 1
IR2_flux_2realmJyIRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR2_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR2_date_2chardateTtimeDate of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) observation, Epoch 2
IR2_Q_det_2char Quality of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) detection, Epoch 2
IR2_flux_crealmJyIRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, combined epochs
IR2_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux, combined epochs
IR2_date_cchardateTtimeDate of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) observation, combined epochs
IR2_Q_det_cchar Quality of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) detection, combined epochs
IR2_Q_flux_mchar Quality of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) flux match
IR2_imtypeint Image type from IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) source extraction
IR2_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) source
IR2_amajorrealpixelsLength of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) source major axis
IR2_aminorrealpixelsLength of IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um) source minor axis
IR2_tiltrealdegTilt angle for IRAC2 (IRAC 4.5 um)
IR3_flux_1realmJyIRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR3_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR3_date_1chardateTtimeDate of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) observation, Epoch 1
IR3_Q_det_1char Quality of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) detection, Epoch 1
IR3_flux_2realmJyIRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR3_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR3_date_2chardateTtimeDate of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) observation, Epoch 2
IR3_Q_det_2char Quality of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) detection, Epoch 2
IR3_flux_crealmJyIRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, combined epochs
IR3_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux, combined epochs
IR3_date_cchardateTtimeDate of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) observation, combined epochs
IR3_Q_det_cchar Quality of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) detection, combined epochs
IR3_Q_flux_mchar Quality of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) flux match
IR3_imtypeint Image type from IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) source extraction
IR3_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) source
IR3_amajorrealpixelsLength of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) source major axis
IR3_aminorrealpixelsLength of IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um) source minor axis
IR3_tiltrealdegTilt angle for IRAC3 (IRAC 5.8 um)
IR4_flux_1realmJyIRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR4_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, Epoch 1
IR4_date_1chardateTtimeDate of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) observation, Epoch 1
IR4_Q_det_1char Quality of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) detection, Epoch 1
IR4_flux_2realmJyIRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR4_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, Epoch 2
IR4_date_2chardateTtimeDate of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) observation, Epoch 2
IR4_Q_det_2char Quality of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) detection, Epoch 2
IR4_flux_crealmJyIRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, combined epochs
IR4_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux, combined epochs
IR4_date_cchardateTtimeDate of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) observation, combined epochs
IR4_Q_det_cchar Quality of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) detection, combined epochs
IR4_Q_flux_mchar Quality of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) flux match
IR4_imtypeint Image type from IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) source extraction
IR4_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) source
IR4_amajorrealpixelsLength of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) source major axis
IR4_aminorrealpixelsLength of IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um) source minor axis
IR4_tiltrealdegTilt angle for IRAC4 (IRAC 8.0 um)
MP1_flux_1realmJyMIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, Epoch 1
MP1_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, Epoch 1
MP1_date_1chardateTtimeDate of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) observation, Epoch 1
MP1_Q_det_1char Quality of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) detection, Epoch 1
MP1_flux_2realmJyMIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, Epoch 2
MP1_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, Epoch 2
MP1_date_2chardateTtimeDate of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) observation, Epoch 2
MP1_Q_det_2char Quality of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) detection, Epoch 2
MP1_flux_crealmJyMIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, combined epochs
MP1_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux, combined epochs
MP1_date_cchardateTtimeDate of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) observation, combined epochs
MP1_Q_det_cchar Quality of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) detection, combined epochs
MP1_Q_flux_mchar Quality of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) flux match
MP1_imtypeint Image type from MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) source extraction
MP1_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) source
MP1_amajorrealpixelsLength of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) source major axis
MP1_aminorrealpixelsLength of MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um) source minor axis
MP1_tiltrealdegTilt angle for MIPS1 (MIPS 24 um)
MP2_flux_1realmJyMIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, Epoch 1
MP2_D_flux_1realmJyUncertainty in MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, Epoch 1
MP2_date_1chardateTtimeDate of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) observation, Epoch 1
MP2_Q_det_1char Quality of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) detection, Epoch 1
MP2_flux_2realmJyMIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, Epoch 2
MP2_D_flux_2realmJyUncertainty in MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, Epoch 2
MP2_date_2chardateTtimeDate of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) observation, Epoch 2
MP2_Q_det_2char Quality of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) detection, Epoch 2
MP2_flux_crealmJyMIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, combined epochs
MP2_D_flux_crealmJyUncertainty in MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux, combined epochs
MP2_date_cchardateTtimeDate of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) observation, combined epochs
MP2_Q_det_cchar Quality of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) detection, combined epochs
MP2_Q_flux_mchar Quality of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) flux match
MP2_imtypeint Image type from MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) source extraction
MP2_src_arearealpixel_sqArea of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) source
MP2_amajorrealpixelsLength of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) source major axis
MP2_aminorrealpixelsLength of MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um) source minor axis
MP2_tiltrealdegTilt angle for MIPS2 (MIPS 70 um)