Data Access

SAFIRES Catalog Definitions


The Spitzer Archival FIR Extragalactic Survey (SAFIRES) is an offshoot of the Spitzer Space Telescope Enhanced Imaging Products (SEIP). SAFIRES applies the SEIP project's methods to the remaining two MIPS bands, located at far-infrared wavelengths of 70 and 160 microns. Due to the complexity of far-infrared observations, these bands require an expansion of SEIP's standard pipeline through the addition of reprocessing tools. These additional steps are required to remove obvious artifacts before extracting useful measurements. As a result, these bands were not included in the SEIP project, but were later funded through an additional NASA Astrophysics Data Analysis Program (ADAP) grant. To ensure high reliability, the SAFIRES sample includes no fields near the Galactic disk; these observations comprised more than half of the area observed by Spitzer, but the practical drawbacks of Galactic contamination would inhibit the ability to maintain the level of reliability desired in the SAFIRES products. As with SEIP, the SAFIRES source lists contains no extended sources. The remaining sample comprises nearly 1132 fields spanning almost 180 square degrees of sky.

If you use SAFIRES data, please cite Hanish et al. (2015).

Name Intype Units Description
objID char none Source ID name within the SAFIRES database
SMID long none Supermosaic ID
REGID char none Region ID from SEIP
ra double degrees Right Ascension (J2000)
dec double degrees Declination (J2000)
ID long none Source ID number within each mosaic
pix_x float pix Source x position in pixels within each mosaic
pix_y float pix Source y position in pixels within each mosaic
PSFflux float uJy PSF flux
dPSFflux float uJy PSF flux uncertainty
FWHM float arcsec Full width at half maximum
Coverage float images Depth of coverage
SNR float none Signal to noise ratio derived from PSF photometry.
SNR is measured by APEX in an aperture corresponding to the PSF FWHM (which is different from the aperture photometry measurements below).
F_AP##p0 float uJy Aperture flux (18 arcsec aperture at 70 microns; 40 arcsec aperture at 160 microns).
Note: background oversubtraction (due to crowded fields, for example) can result in negative aperture fluxes. The SAFIRES team recommends rejecting sources with f_ap##p0/df_ap##p0 < 10.
dF_AP##p0 float uJy Aperture flux uncertainty
Area float sqdegrees Area of detected object
Gain float e/count Gain of detected object
MeanNoise float uJy Mean noise level of the mosaic

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