Data Access

SAGE (v3) IRAC Catalog & Archive Definition

SAGE Overview

The Spitzer Space Telescope Survey of the Large Magellanic Cloud Legacy Project Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution (SAGE) traces the life cycle of observable matter that drives the evolution of a galaxy's appearance. SAGE has revealed over 6 million sources including ~150,000 evolved stars, ~50,000 young stellar objects and the diffuse interstellar medium with column densities > 1.2×1021 cm -2. The data will provide fundamental insights into the physical processes of the interstellar medium, the formation of new stars and the injection of mass by evolved stars and their relationships on the galaxy-wide scale of the Large Magellanic Cloud.

The SAGE project page can be found here. The survey is described in Meixner et al. (2006). (AJ, 132, 2268). Also provided with the data release is the SAGE data delivery documentation [PDF].

SAGE (v3) IRAC Catalog & Archive Criteria

In comparison to the catalog, the archive has more source fluxes (fewer nulled wavelengths) and some more sources but these additions have more uncertainty associated with them. For the catalog, the S/N must be greater than [6, 6, 6, 10] for IRAC bands [3.6um], [4.5um], [5.8um] and [8.0um] for the flux to appear in the corresponding wavelength column. Whereas for the archive, the S/N must be greater than [5, 5, 5, 5] for IRAC bands [3.6um], [4.5um], [5.8um] and [8.0um]. For the catalog, sources with neighbors within a 2" radius are excluded (culled). For the archive, sources within a 0.5" are excluded. The difference in criteria for the catalog and archive creation is more complex and described in Section 5.2 of the SAGE Data Delivery Document [PDF].

SAGE (v3) IRAC Catalog & Archive Column Descriptions

This document describes columns in the SAGE IRAC catalogs and archives. Search results will also contain additional columns created by IRSA. Gator serves the following SAGE IRAC catalogs and archives:

SAGE Winter 2008 IRAC Archive Epoch1 (83 columns, 8,785,435 data rows)
IRAC Catalog Epoch1 (83 columns, 8,522,654 data rows)
IRAC Archive (84 columns, 6,899,993 data rows)
IRAC Catalog (84 columns, 6,398,991 data rows)
IRAC Epoch 1 and Epoch 2 Archive (83 columns, 8,785,435 data rows)
IRAC Epoch 1 and Epoch 2 Catalog (83 columns, 8,522,654 data rows)
IRAC Offset Position Archive (83 columns, 3,312 data rows)
IRAC Offset Position Catalog (83 columns, 1,612 data rows)

Column Name Data Type Units Nulls Allowed Column Description
int nUnique identification number of each source in the catalog
char nCharacter string identifier for source catalog
char nCharacter string identifier for the epoch of the observation of the source, i.e. "epoch 1", "epoch 2", "epoch 1+2",...
char nSAGE source designation name:
         Archive=> SSTISAGE1A JHHMMSS.SS+-DDMMSS.S           
         Catalog=> SSTISAGE1C JHHMMSS.SS+-DDMMSS.S            

Designation is
  SST = Spitzer Space Telescope
  I   = IRAC
  SAGE= LMC Survey project
  1   = epoch 1; 2=epoch 2; nothing if epoch 1+2
  C   = highly reliable Catalog
  A   = more complete Archive
  J   = 2000.0 epoch
  HHMMSS.SS   Right ascension (hr, min, sec) of source
  sDDMMSS.S   Declination (deg, min, sec) of source
int yUnique identification number (counter) for the 2MASS source from the 2MASS All-Sky point source catalog (PSC).
char ySource name (designation) from 2MASS All-Sky PSC
doubledegnRight ascension (J2000)
doubledegnDeclination (J2000)
doublearc secondsnError in right ascension
doublearc secondsnError in declination
int yClose source flag:
  0    no sources in the Archive within 3" of the source
  1    sources in the Archive between 2.5" and 3" of the source
  2    sources in the Archive between 2.0" and 2.5" of the source
  3    sources in the Archive between 1.5" and 2.0" of the source
  4    sources in the Archive between 1.0" and 1.5" of the source
  5    sources in the Archive between 0.5" and 1.0" of the source
  6    sources in the Archive within 0.5" of the source.
int yClose Fulls flag (IRAC Catalog and IRAC Archive only):
  0    no sources in the Fulls List within 3" of the source
  1    sources in the Fulls List between 2.5" and 3" of the source
  2    sources in the Fulls List between 2.0" and 2.5" of the source
  3    sources in the Fulls List between 1.5" and 2.0" of the source
  4    sources in the Fulls List between 1.0" and 1.5" of the source
  5    sources in the Fulls List between 0.5" and 1.0" of the source
  6    sources in the Fulls List within 0.5" of the source.
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band magnitude
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band magnitude
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band magnitude
realmagy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error
realmagy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) magnitude
realmagy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error
realmagy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) magnitude
realmagy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error
realmagy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) magnitude
realmagy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error
realmagy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) magnitude
realmagy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band flux
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band 1 sigma error
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band flux
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band 1 sigma error
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band flux
realmJyy2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band 1 sigma error
realmJyy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) flux
realmJyy3.6um IRAC (Band 1) 1 sigma error
realmJyy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) flux
realmJyy4.5um IRAC (Band 2) 1 sigma error
realmJyy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) flux
realmJyy5.8um IRAC (Band 3) 1 sigma error
realmJyy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) flux
realmJyy8.0um IRAC (Band 4) 1 sigma error
realmJyyrms deviation of the individual detections from the final flux of each source for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)
realmJyyrms deviation of the individual detections from the final flux of each source for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)
realmJyyrms deviation of the individual detections from the final flux of each source for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)
realmJyyrms deviation of the individual detections from the final flux of each source for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)
realMJy/sryLocal sky background for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) See Appendix B of GLIMPSE Photometry (v1.0) document.
realMJy/sryLocal sky background for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) See Appendix B of GLIMPSE Photometry (v1.0) document.
realMJy/sryLocal sky background for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) See Appendix B of GLIMPSE Photometry (v1.0) document.
realMJy/sryLocal sky background for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) See Appendix B of GLIMPSE Photometry (v1.0) document.
real y2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band Signal/Noise
real y2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band Signal/Noise
real y2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band Signal/Noise
real y3.6um IRAC (Band 1) Signal/Noise
real y4.5um IRAC (Band 2) Signal/Noise
real y5.8um IRAC (Band 3) Signal/Noise
real y8.0um IRAC (Band 4) Signal/Noise
real#/sq arcminyLocal source density for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1). See section 4.1 of GLIMPSE Data Products (v1.5) document.
real#/sq arcminyLocal source density for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2). See section 4.1 of GLIMPSE Data Products (v1.5) document.
real#/sq arcminyLocal source density for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3). See section 4.1 of GLIMPSE Data Products (v1.5) document.
real#/sq arcminyLocal source density for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4). See section 4.1 of GLIMPSE Data Products (v1.5) document.
int yNumber of detections for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)
int yNumber of detections for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2)
int yNumber of detections for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)
int yNumber of detections for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)
int yNumber of possible detections for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1)
int yNumber of possible detections for 4.5 um IRAC (Band 2)
int yNumber of possible detections for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3)
int yNumber of possible detections for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4)
int y2MASS All-Sky PSC J Band Source Quality Flag (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int y2MASS All-Sky PSC H Band Source Quality Flag (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int y2MASS All-Sky PSC Ks Band Source Quality Flag (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int ySource Quality Flag for 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int ySource Quality Flag for 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int ySource Quality Flag for 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int ySource Quality Flag for 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) (please see footnote 1 for more information) 1
int yFlux calculation method flag 3.6um IRAC (Band 1) (please see footnote 2 for more information) 2
int yFlux calculation method flag 4.5um IRAC (Band 2) (please see footnote 2 for more information) 2
int yFlux calculation method flag 5.8um IRAC (Band 3) (please see footnote 2 for more information) 2
int yFlux calculation method flag 8.0um IRAC (Band 4) (please see footnote 2 for more information) 2
smallfloat nVersion number assigned by MIPS/IRAC pipeline team
char nDate catalog was produced in the following format, "mon dd yyyy", "Dec 5 2007"
double nx of unit vector on the unit sphere for ra,dec of this source
double ny of unit vector on the unit sphere for ra,dec of this source
double nz of unit vector on the unit sphere for ra,dec of this source
htmIDlong nThe Hierchical Triangular Mesh partition, computed at index level 20, in which this source lies.

1 Source Quality Flag (sqf)

       bt = bit in sqf

              value = the sum of the 2(bit-1), i.e. bit 1 corresponds to 20=1

       0  OK - no problems encountered
      bt            Flag                                 
       1  poor pixels in dark current                   
       2  flat field applied using questionable value  
       3  latent image                                 
       4  sat star correction                          
       7  muxbleed correction applied                  
      *8  hot, dead or otherwise unacceptable pixel      
       9  muxbleed > 3-sigma above the background       
      10  allstar tweak positive                        
      11  allstar tweak negative                        
     *13  confusion in in-band merge                    
     *14  confusion in cross-band merge                 
     *15  column pulldown correction                    
     *16  banding correction                             
      17  stray light                                    
      19  nonlinear correction not applied               
     *20  saturated star wing region                     
      21  pre-lumping in in-band merge                  
      22  post-lumping in cross-band merge              
     *30  edge of frame (within 3 pixels of edge)        
      31  truth list	(for simulated data)    

      For 2MASS data, the following flags from the 2MASS PSC 
      are mapped into bits 3,4,20, and 9 in the source quality flag

                  2MASS "cc" Flag               =>               SQF

         -------------                 ---
         "p" persistence         latent (bit 3)
         "c" photom confusion    corr sat star wing (bit 4)
         "d" diffraction spike   uncorrectable sat star (bit 20)
         "s" electronic stripe   muxbleed (bit 9)

     bit values:
     bt 1 => 1; 2 => 2; 3 => 4; 4 => 8; 5 => 16; 6 => 32; 7 => 64; 8 => 128  
     bt 9 => 256; 10 => 512; 11 => 1024; 12 => 2048; 13 => 4096; 14 => 8192; 15 => 16384; 
     bt 16 => 32768; 17 => 65536; 18 => 131072; 19 => 262144; 20 => 524288;
     bt 21 => 1048576;   22 => 2097152;
     bt 30 => 536870912; 31 => 1073741824

     *The flags to possibly cull on. (Note that flag 8,20, and 30 have 
      already been removed from Catalog or nulled.)

2 Flux calculation method Flag (mf)

       mf indicates by bit whether a given exposure time was present, and
       whether that exposure time was used in the final flux.

          present  used
       exp  bit    bit
       0.6   1      2
       2     3      4
       12    5      6
       30    7      8
       100   9     10

      i.e. if 0.6 and 12 were present, but only 12 was used, then
      bits 1 and 5 will be set (fluxes present) and bit 6 will be set (12s
      used), and the mflag will be 20+24+25=49

     for SAGE HDR mode, the relevant numbers work out to be

     3      short exp data used, long exp data absent
     19     short used, long present but unused
     48     long exp used, short absent
     49     long exp used, short present but unused
     51     both long and short present and used