Data Access
Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) Overview
SDWFS Overview SDWFS Primary Data Access SDWFS Catalogs


The Spitzer Deep, Wide-Field Survey (SDWFS) is a four-epoch survey over roughly 10 square degrees of the NOAO Deep, Wide-Field Survey field in Boötes. The first visit to the field occurred very early in the Spitzer mission (in January 2004) as part of the IRAC Shallow Survey (Eisenhardt et al. 2004). Subsequent visits to the field as part of the SDWFS program reimaged the same area to the same depth (see delivery documentation). DR1 of the Cycle 4 Spitzer Legacy Program consists of four-band IRAC mosaics, coverage maps, and catalogs corresponding to each of the SDWFS epochs. In total, there are 16 single-epoch mosaics and coverage maps, plus an additional set of four corresponding to the sum of all IRAC integrations of this field. DR2 added a variability catalog and one for light curves as a part of the project.

If you use SDWFS data, please cite the journal articles Ashby et al. (2009) for the survey and Kozlowski et al. (2010) for the variability catalog and light curves, as well as the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA416.

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Data Set Characteristics

Data ProductDescriptionData Access
Images Spitzer/IRAC 3.6, 4.5, 5.8, 8 micron
Catalogs IRAC Catalogs for Epoch 1, 2, 3, 4, and Combined Epoch
Light Curve and Variability Catalogs

SDWFS Documentation

SDWFS DR1 Documentation
SDWFS Variability and Light Curves Documentation
SDWFS DR1.1 Documentation
SDWFS IRAC 3.6 micron Image of Boötes Field
SDWFS Catalog Definitions
SDWFS Light Curve Catalog Definitions
SDWFS Variability Catalog Definitions

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