Sunday 25 Oct 2009 |
5:00 - 7:00 PM | Opening Reception and Check-in in the Hilton Arcade, in front of the International Ballroom |
Monday 26 Oct 2009 |
7:00 AM | Check-in in the Hilton Arcade, in front of the International Ballroom |
8:00 AM | | Introductory Remarks |
| Exoplanets and Exoplanetary Systems |
8:30 AM | H. Knutson | Properties of Exoplanetary Systems: A Spitzer Portrait Gallery |
9:15 AM | A. Burrows | Models for Exoplanets |
9:45 AM | G. Laughlin | Thermal and Dynamical Properties of Exoplanet Atmospheres |
10:15 AM | Break |
10:45 AM | G. Tinetti | Atmospheric Composition and Structure of Hot Jupiters |
11:15 AM | C. Lisse | Comparative Mid-Infrared Mineralogy: Clues to the Origins and Evolution of Solar Systems |
12:00 PM | Lunch |
| Star Formation |
1:30 PM | N. Evans | The First Stage of Star Formation: Cores to Disks |
2:15 PM | J. Najita | New Views on Gas in the Planet Formation Region of Disks |
2:45 PM | L. Hartmann | Disk Structure and Evolution |
3:15 PM | Break |
4:00 PM | S. Raymond | Planet Formation from PMS Disks |
4:45 PM | G. Rieke, K. Su | Debris Disks - From Spitzer to Herschel and Beyond |
Tuesday 27 Oct 2009 |
| The Dusty Universe |
8:30 AM | D. Weedman | Infrared Spectra of Dusty Galaxies to z>2 |
9:00 AM | R. Genzel | LIRGs to Submm Galaxies: Evolution with Redshift |
9:45 AM | L. Hernquist | Growing Supermassive Black Holes and Bulges Behind a Veil of Dust |
10:15 AM | Break |
10:45 AM | D. Calzetti | Nearby Galaxies |
11:30 AM | P. Capak | Dusty Galaxies at the Highest Redshifts-how to find them and what they mean |
12:00 PM | Lunch |
| The Early Universe/td> |
1:30 PM | M. Dickinson | The History of Star Formation |
2:15 PM | G. Fazio | Young Galaxies as Seen by Spitzer, Cold and Warm |
2:45 PM | R. Somerville | Theories of Structure Growth: Confrontation with Observation |
3:30 PM | Break |
4:15 PM | C. Maraston | Stellar Populations and Masses of Galaxies at High Redshifts |
4:45 PM | R. Ellis | The Early Universe in 2010 and Beyond |
6:00 PM | Conference Banquet at the Twin Palms restaurant |
Wednesday 28 Oct 2009 |
| The Galaxy |
8:30 AM | R. Benjamin | The Milky Way and Its Neighbors: What's New? |
9:15 AM | B. Draine | New Views of the ISM from Spitzer Space Telescope |
10:00 AM | Break |
| Summary Talks |
10:30 AM | D. Charbonneau | Exoplanets - From Hot Jupiters to Habitable Earths |
11:00 AM | M. Werner | Galactic Astronomy |
11:30 AM | P. McCarthy | Spitzer's Contributions to Extragalactic Astronomy |
12:00 PM | Lunch |
| Frank Low and the Development of Infrared Astronomy |
1:30 PM | G. Rieke | The Beginnings, Groundbased Astronomy |
2:00 PM | B. Hoffmann | The Galactic Center, starting IR Labs |
2:25 PM | D. Harper | Early airborne astronomy |
2:50 PM | C. Beichman | IRAS |
3:15 PM | E. Young | Advances in IR technology |
3:40 PM | M. Werner | Spitzer |
4:05 PM | Reception |
4:30 - 9:00 PM | Griffith Observatory Trip |