Science results
Spotlight Image
Stellar Feedback and Triggered Star Formation in RCW 120

By Matteo Luisi

Paper: Stellar feedback and triggered star formation in the prototypical bubble RCW 120
Luisi, Matteo, et al., 2021/04, SciA, 7, 9511.

Composite image of the nebula RCW 120
New Observations of Terahertz Water Masers with SOFIA

By David Neufeld & Joan Schmelz

Paper: Terahertz Water Masers. II. Further SOFIA/GREAT Detections Toward Circumstellar Outflows, and a Multitransition Analysis
Neufeld, David A., et al., 2021/01, ApJ, 907, 42.

Artist’s impression of a pulsating variable star with circumstellar envelope and water masers
The Age of Westerlund 1 Revisited

By Emma Beasor

Paper: The Age of Westerlund 1 Revisited
Beasor, Emma R., et al., 2021/05, ApJ, 912, 16.

Hubble Space Telescope image of Westerlund 1
Carbon Dioxide in R Leonis

By José Pablo Fonfría and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Detection of infrared fluorescence of carbon dioxide in R Leonis with SOFIA/EXES
Fonfrí­a, J. P., et al., 2020/11, A&A, 643L, 15.

A portion of the spectrum of R Leonis superimposed on an artistic interpretation of the star
Episodic Accretion in High-Mass Protostars

By James De Buizer and Joan Schmelz

Paper: The Extraordinary Outburst in the Massive Protostellar System NGC 6334 I-MM1: Strong Increase in Mid-Infrared Continuum Emission
Hunter, T. R., et al., 2021/05, ApJL, 912, L17.

Spitzer image of NGC 6334 with inset showing high-mass protostar pre- and post-outburst luminosity.
Magnetic Highway: Channeling the M82 Superwind

By Joan Schmelz

Paper: The Strength and Structure of the Magnetic Field in the Galactic Outflow of Messier 82
Lopez-Rodriguez, E., et al., 2021 ApJ 914 24

Magnetic fields in M82 are shown as lines over a visible light and infrared composite image
Galactic Chimneys: An Unseen Component of the Disk-Halo Interaction

By William Reach and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Extraplanar Gas in Edge-on Galaxies Traced by SOFIA Observations of [C II]
Reach, William T., et al., 2020/10, ApJ, 902, 28.

Optical image of the galaxy NGC 891 showing dark extinction features extending out from the midplane
Episodic Accretion in Massive Star Formation

By Joan Schmelz and James Jackson

Paper: Infrared observations of the flaring maser source G358.93-0.03. SOFIA confirms an accretion burst from a massive young stellar object
Stecklum, B., et al., 2021/02, A&A, 646A, A161.

Artist’s impression of a stochastic accretion event
EXES Probes the Heart of Hot-Core Chemistry

By Sarah Nickerson, Naseem Rangwala, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: The First Mid-infrared Detection of HNC in the Interstellar Medium: Probing the Extreme Environment toward the Orion Hot Core
Nickerson, et al., 2021/01, ApJ, 907, 51.

Orion KL region with SOFIA EXES spectrum across the bottom
The Warped Magnetic Field of Centaurus A

By Enrique Lopez Rodrigues & Joan Schmelz

Paper: The Magnetic Field Across the Molecular Warped Disk of Centaurus A
Lopez-Rodriguez, E., Nat Astron (2021).

Composite image of Centaurus A
First Signs of Star Birth Triggered by Orion Wind

By Cornelia Pabst, Javier Goicoechea, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Expanding bubbles in Orion A: [C II] observations of M 42, M 43, and NGC 1977
Pabst, C. H. M., et al., 2020/07, A&A, 639A, A2.

Composite image of the Orion Nebula from SOFIA and the IRAM 30-meter radio telescope
SOFIA Comet Studies Explore the Carbon Gradient in the Solar System

By Charles “Chick” Woodward, Kassandra Bell, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: The Coma Dust of Comet C/2013 US 10 (Catalina): A Window into Carbon in the Solar System
Woodward, Charles E., et al., 2021/02, PSJ, , 2.

Chart showing atomic carbon-to-silicon ratio for various objects
First Detection of 13CH in the Interstellar Medium

By Arshia Jacob and Joan Schmelz

Paper: First detection of 13 CH in the interstellar medium
Jacob, Arshia M., et al., 2020/08, A&A, 640A, A125.

SOFIA absorption spectrum of 13CH superposed over a composite infrared image of the Sgr B complex
Occultation Confirms Haze in Pluto’s Atmosphere

By Kassandra Bell, Arielle Moullet, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Haze in Pluto’s atmosphere: Results from SOFIA and Ground-based Observations of the 2015 June 29 Pluto Occultation
M. J. Person et al., 2020, Icarus, in press.

Pluto horizon showing atmosphere
Cold Quasars and the Evolution of Galaxies

By Kevin Cooke, Allison Kirkpatrick, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Dying of the Light: An X-Ray Fading Cold Quasar at z ~ 0.405
Cooke, K. C. et al., 2020 ApJ 903 106

Illustration of active black hole at center of galaxy with blue stars surrounded by ring of dust
The Optical Depth of [CII]: the Implications for Galaxies both Near and Far

By Cristian Guevara and Joan Schmelz

Paper: [C II] 158 µm self-absorption and optical depth effects
Guevara, C., et al., 2020/04, A&A, 636A, A16.

Photodissociation Regions (PDRs) are zones of the interstellar medium in which Far-UV photons dominate the thermal balance, chemistry, structure, as well as the distribution of the gas and dust. The incident FUV field photodissociates molecules, photoionizes atoms and molecules, and heats the gas and dust.

Average spectra of the [CII] emission for M17 SW superposed on a composite image
SOFIA Detects Water on the Moon

By Casey Honniball, Paul Lucey, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Molecular water detected on the sunlit Moon by SOFIA
C.I. Honniball, et al., Nature Astronomy 2020.

Researchers using SOFIA have made the first-ever detection of the water molecule (H 2 O) on the sunlit surface of the Moon. This discovery refines our understanding of the behavior of water and how volatile elements and compounds interact with airless bodies throughout the Solar System and beyond.

Illustration of Moon with call-out showing water molecules
Molecular Processing in the Disks of Massive Stars

By Andrew Barr, Alexander Tielens, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: High-resolution Infrared Spectroscopy of Hot Molecular Gas in AFGL 2591 and AFGL 2136: Accretion in the Inner Regions of Disks around Massive Young Stellar Objects
Barr, Andrew G., et al., 2020/09, ApJ, 900, 104.

A dusty disc rotating around a massive newborn star that is glowing
A Magnetic Hourglass Detection for a Low-Mass Protostar

By Elena Redaelli and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Magnetic Properties of the Protostellar Core IRAS 15398-3359
E. Redaelli, et al., 2019 A&A, 631, A154.

Lupus I cloud complex with inset showing HAWC+ total intensity image of IRAS 15398-3359
Magnetized Filamentary Gas Flows in Serpens South

By Thushara Pillai and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Magnetized filamentary gas flows feeding the young embedded cluster in Serpens South
Pillai, T.G., et al., 2020, Nat Astron (2020).

Magnetic fields observed by SOFIA shown as streamlines on a Spitzer image of Serpens South Cluster