Science results
Spotlight Image
The Chemical Enrichment of the Universe

By Kathleen Kraemer, Boston College and Gregory Sloan, Cornell University

Paper: Stellar Pulsation and the Production of Dust and Molecules in Galactic Carbon Stars
K. E. Kraemer, et al., 2019, ApJ, 887, 1.

Artist concept with Mira star and helix strand
SOFIA Reveals the Complex Nature of a 'Simple' Star Formation Tracer

By Yoko Okada, University of Cologne

Paper: First Detection of [13C II] in the Large Magellanic Cloud
Y. Okada, et al., 2019, A&A, 631L, 12O.

Spectrum of [13CII] emission in star-forming region N159W on an image of the Large Magellanic Cloud
The Role of the Magnetic Field in the Galactic Center

By Joan Schmelz (USRA)

Magnetic fields over a blue and gray image of a bright ring at the center of the Milky Way galaxy
Signatures of Star Formation in the Galactic Center

By Matthew Hankins
Paper: SOFIA/FORCAST Galactic Center Legacy Survey: Overview
Hankins et al., 2020, ApJ.

SOFIA’s first completed legacy program provides researchers with a vastly improved view of warm dust in the center of the Galaxy, revealing signatures of star formation in exquisite detail.

Composite infrared image of the center of our Milky Way Galaxy
Massive Star Formation in the Omega Nebula

By Wanggi Lim and Joan Schmelz
Paper: Surveying the Giant H ii Regions of the Milky Way with SOFIA. II. M17
Lim, et al., 2020, ApJ, 888, 98.

Composite image of the Swan Nebula in blue, green and red.
SOFIA Confirms Predictions of the Density Wave Theory in NGC 1068

By Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez and Joan Schmelz
Paper: SOFIA/HAWC+ Traces the Magnetic Felds in NGC 1068
Lopez-Rodriguez  et al., 2020, ApJ, 888, 66.

SOFIA astronomers have measured, for the first time, the magnetic field tracing the star forming regions along the spiral arms of NGC 1068, the nearest grand-design spiral with an active galactic nuclei and a large-scale almost face-on disk.

Magnetic fields shown as streamlines over an image of the galaxy NGC 1068 or M77
Planetary Collisions in a Binary Star System

By Maggie Thompson, Ralph Shuping, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: Studying the Evolution of Warm Dust Encircling BD +20 307 Using SOFIA
Thompson, Maggie A., et al., 2019, ApJ, 875, 45.

Recent observations from SOFIA of a binary star system designated BD +20 307 indicate that there may have been a catastrophic collision between two planets within the last 10 years.

Artist’s concept illustrating a catastrophic collision between two rocky exoplanets
Star Formation Across Cosmic Time

By Joan Schmelz

How do astronomers understand galaxies that are so far away that they may appear as a simple point source, even when observed with the most powerful telescopes? One proven technique is to study local analogues, galaxies that might have similar properties but are close enough to resolve their structures. A study like this was underway when researchers discovered something extraordinary – their observation was 10 times stronger than predicted.

C+ line luminosity as a function of FIR luminosity
Magnetic Field May Be Keeping Milky Way’s Black Hole Quiet

By Kassandra Bell and Joan Schmelz

Supermassive black holes exist at the center of most galaxies, and our Milky Way is no exception. But many other galaxies have highly active black holes, meaning a lot of material is falling into them, emitting high-energy radiation in this “feeding” process. The Milky Way’s central black hole, on the other hand, is relatively quiet. New observations from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, are helping scientists understand the differences between active and quiet black holes.

Magnetic field streamlines over an image of the ring around the Milky Way's black hole
Magnetic Fields in the Star Forming Clouds of Orion

By David Chuss and Ralph Y. Shuping

Paper: HAWC+/SOFIA Multiwavelength Polarimetric Observations of OMC-1
Chuss, David T., et al., 2019/02, ApJ, 872, 187.

Magnetic fields in the Orion Nebula
SOFIA Observations Fuel Debate about the Origin of the Earth’s Oceans

By Darek Lis, Dominique Bockelée-Morvan, and Rolf Güsten

Paper: Terrestrial deuterium-to-hydrogen ratio in water in hyperactive comets
Lis et al., A&A 625, L5 (2019) doi:10.1051/0004-6361/201935554

Illustration of a comet, ice grains and Earth’s oceans
First Astrophysical Detection of a Very Special Molecule

By Kimberly Ennico Smith

Paper: Astrophysical detection of the helium hydride ion HeH+
Güsten et al. Nature , 17 April 2019, doi: 10.1038/s41586-019-1090-x

Illustration of planetary nebula NGC 7027 and helium hydride molecules
The Cosmic Fireworks of Massive Star Formation

By W. Lim, J. De Buizer, R. Klein, and J. Schmelz (USRA)

Paper: Surveying the Giant HII Regions of the Milky Way with SOFIA. I. W51A
Lim and De Buizer 2019, ApJ, 873, 51.

A cosmic light show sparked by the formation of massive stars in the W51 stellar nursery
Weighing Galactic Wind Provides Clues to Evolution of Galaxies

By Terry Jones, Arielle Moullet, Kassandra Bell, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: SOFIA Far Infrared Imaging Polarimetry of M82 and NGC 253: Exploring the Super–Galactic Wind
Jones, Terry Jay, et al., 2019, ApJL, 870, L9.

Cigar Galaxy with magnetic field shown as streamlines over red outflow, yellow dust and stars
SOFIA Uncovers Clues to the Evolution of Universe and Search for Life

By William Reach, Kassandra Bell, and Joan Schmelz

A compilation of scientific results from The Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, reveal new clues to how stars form and galaxies evolve, and closer to understanding the environment of Europa and its subsurface ocean. The airborne observatory carries a suite of instruments, each sensitive to different properties of infrared light, that gives astronomers insights into the flow of matter in galaxies.

Magnetic fields in the Orion Nebula
SOFIA Finds Dust Survives Obliteration in Supernova 1987A

By Ralph Shuping, Mikako Matsuura, Kassandra Bell, and Joan Schmelz

Paper: SOFIA Mid-infrared Observations of Supernova 1987A in 2016 — Forward Shocks and Possible Dust Re-formation in the Post-shocked Region
Matsuura, Mikako, et al., 2018, MNRAS, 2018.

Illustration of Supernova 1987A as a blast wave passes outer ring destroying dust, which re-forms
NASA’s SOFIA Observatory Captures Orion’s Dragon in 3-D

New data from NASA’s Stratospheric Observatory for Infrared Astronomy, SOFIA, reveal a three-dimensional (3-D) view of the Orion Nebula – Earth’s closest star-formation nursery – and a powerful stellar wind. Researchers can rotate, zoom in, and even dive through this data cube to better understand how stars are forming.

Orion Dragon movie screenshot
Lifting the Veil on Star Formation in the Orion Nebula

By Kassandra Bell and Joan Schmelz (USRA)

Paper: Disruption of the Orion molecular core 1 by wind from the massive star θ 1 Orionis C
Pabst et al. 2019, Nature, doi:10.1038/s41586-018-0844-1

Orion nebula bubble
Cosmic Collisions: Unraveling the Mysterious Formation of Star Clusters

By Kassandra Bell and Joan Schmelz (USRA)

Paper: The Inception of Star Cluster Formation Revealed by [CII] Emission Around an Infrared Dark Cloud
Bisbas, Tan et al. 2018, MNRAS, 478, L54.

Star cluster forming from collision of molecular clouds surrounded by green atomic envelopes
Magnetic Fields Confine the Torus at the Core of Cygnus A

By Enrique Lopez-Rodriguez, Kassandra Bell, and Joan Schmelz (USRA)

Paper: The Highly Polarized Dusty Emission Core of Cygnus A
Lopez-Rodriguez, Enrique, et al., 2018, ApJL, 861, L23.

Illustration of Cygnus A galaxy showing dusty surroundings, jets, and magnetic fields trapping dust