Data Access
V.D. Point Source Confirmation

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
V. Data Reduction
D. Point Source Confirmation

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
Table of Contents | Index | Previous Section | Next Section

Section V.D has been split into multiple files due to its size.

  1. Processing Overview
  2. Overview of Seconds-Confirmation
    1. Band Seconds-Confirmation
    2. Position Reconstruction
    3. Optical Crosstalk Removal
    4. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Decision
    5. Double-Detection Mode
    6. Triple-Detection Mode (Edge Detections)
    7. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Confusion Processing
    8. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Position Refinement
    9. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Photometric Refinement
    10. In-Band Seconds-Confirmation Statistical Processing
  3. Band-Merging
    1. Overview of Band-Merging
    2. Band Filling
    3. Special Considerations Regarding Band-Merging
    4. Focal Plane Geometry Analysis
  4. Known Source Correlation
    1. Known Source Prediction
    2. Correlation of Observations With Predictions
    3. Known Source Flux and Position Discrepancy Analysis
  5. Overview of Hours-Confirmation
    1. Position Agreement
    2. Photometric Agreement
    3. Hours-Confirmation Confusion Processing
    4. Hours-Confirmation Position and Photometric Refinement
    5. Hours-Confirmation Statistical Processing
    6. Special Considerations Regarding Hours-Confirmation
  6. Overview of Weeks-Confirmation
    1. Weeks-Confirmation Decision
    2. Weeks-Confirmation Position Refinement
    3. Weeks-Confirmation Statistical Processing
  7. Auxiliary Processing for Low Resolution Spectra
  8. Flux and Confusion Status Words
  9. Conversion of Position Uncertainties to Gaussian Approximation

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
Table of Contents | Index | Previous Section | Next Section