Data Access
IX. The Low Resolution Spectra

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
IX. The Low Resolution Spectra

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Chapter IX Contents

  1. Instrumentation
    1. Introduction
    2. Optical Properties
    3. Electronics
    4. Effects of the Zero-Clamp
    5. Summary of Instrumental Characteristics
  2. Performance and Calibration
    1. Detectors
    2. Wavelength Scale
    3. Cross-Scan Responsivity
    4. Wavelength-Dependent Responsivity
    5. Radiation Effects
    6. Multiplexer Glitches
    7. Confusion
    8. Photon Induced Responsivity Enhancement
    9. Memory Effects
    10. Linearity Checks
    11. Overall Flux-Density Scale
  3. Data Processing
    1. The Database
    2. Processing the Individual Spectra
    3. Averaging Spectra, Quality Checks
    4. Final Selection of Spectra
  4. Classification
    1. Introduction
    2. Classification Scheme
    3. Performance of the Classification Scheme
  5. Some Characteristics of the Catalog
    1. Completeness
    2. Checks on the Shape of the Spectra


E. Raimond, D.A. Beintema, and F.M. Olnon


Wildeman, K.J., Beintema, D.A. and Wesselius, P.R. 1983, Journal British Interplanetary Soc., 36, 21.
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