Data Access

Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)

Mission Characteristics

Lifetime: 1995 (1 month)
Wavelength: 1 - 1000 µm
Area Coverage: Targeted
  • 15-cm cooled telescope
  • Near-InfraRed Spectrometer (NIRS; 1.4-4.0 µm)
  • Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (MIRS; 4.5-11.7 µm)
  • Far-Infrared Line Mapper (FILM; 145, 155, 158, 160 µm)
  • Far-InfraRed Photometer (FIRP; 150, 250, 400, 700 µm)
Science Products Generated:
  • Catalog of sources detected with the near-infrared spectrometer (NIRS), including cross-identification with the Tycho and IRAS catalogs
  • Catalog of sources detected with the mid-infrared spectrometer (MIRS), including 1-D SEDs
  • Far-infrared spectral maps of the sky (FILM/FIRP)
Canonical Paper: Murakami et al. (1994)

IRSA Services

Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) Retrieve IRTS images
IRTS Cutouts Use IRSA's Image Cutouts Service to generate small "cutout" FITS (and JPEG) images from the IRTS image collection.
Documentation IRTS documentation.

Other Resources:

Infrared Telescope in Space Website Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) site for the Infrared Telescope in Space.