Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)
Mission Characteristics
Lifetime: | 1995 (1 month) |
Wavelength: | 1 - 1000 µm |
Area Coverage: | Targeted |
Instruments: |
Science Products Generated: |
Canonical Paper: | Murakami et al. (1994) |
IRSA Services
Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS) | Retrieve IRTS images |
IRTS Cutouts | Use IRSA's Image Cutouts Service to generate small "cutout" FITS (and JPEG) images from the IRTS image collection. |
Documentation | IRTS documentation. |
Other Resources:
Infrared Telescope in Space Website | Institute of Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS) site for the Infrared Telescope in Space. |