Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 3 Maps

Astrophysical Foreground Maps

Planck Foreground Maps
Frequency (GHz) 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
CMB-subtracted Maps
commander 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
nilc 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
sevem 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
smica 030 044 070 100 143 217 353 545 857
Dust Maps Polarization Nside=2048 (R3.00)
Data set commander smica
Full QU-thermaldust_commander QU-thermaldust_smica
HM1 QU-thermaldust_commander QU-thermaldust_smica
HM2 QU-thermaldust_commander QU-thermaldust_smica
OE1 QU-thermaldust_commander QU-thermaldust_smica
OE2 QU-thermaldust_commander QU-thermaldust_smica
COM_CompMap_QU-thermaldust-gnilc-unires_2048_R3.00 I, Q and U Thermal Dust map from GNILC at one resolution.
COM_CompMap_IQU-thermaldust-gnilc-varres_2048_R3.00 I, Q and U Thermal Dust map from GNILC at variable resolution.
Synchrotron Maps Nside=2048 (R3.00)
Data set Commander SMICA
Full QU-synchrotron_commander QU-synchrotron_smica
HM1 QU-synchrotron_commander QU-synchrotron_smica
HM2 QU-synchrotron_commander QU-synchrotron_smica
OE1 QU-synchrotron_commander QU-synchrotron_smica
OE2 QU-synchrotron_commander QU-synchrotron_smica
SZ Maps
COM_CompMap_Compton-SZMap_R2.02 Tarball of all-sky SZ maps (12GB)

Planck Maps