C+ line luminosity as a function of FIR luminosity
Star Formation Across Cosmic Time

[C II] line luminosity as a function of FIR luminosity. Our five CARS targets are shown as red triangles compared to the literature compilation of Herrera-Camus et al. (2018a): normal star-forming and star-burst galaxies (green circles), AGN host galaxies (purple triangles), LINER galaxies (orange upside-down triangles), and high-redshift galaxies including the samples from Brisbin et al. (2015) and Decarli et al. (2018) (brown diamonds). The blue line is the mean of the low-redshift galaxies distribution, and the blue-shaded areas correspond to 1, 2, and 3σ. Pink and purple shades represent LIRG L FIR > 10 11 and ULIRG L FIR > 10 12 regimes. The luminosities for 3C 326 are taken from Guillard et al. (2015).

Smirnova-Pinchukova, I., et al.
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