Data Access
MIPS Local Galaxies (MIPS_LG) Overview
MIPS_LG Overview MIPS_LG Primary Data Access MIPS_LG Catalogs


The MIPS Local Galaxies program compiles the Spitzer MIPS observations of all available galaxies in several Herschel-SPIRE Local Galaxies Guaranteed Time Programs, including the Very Nearby Galaxies Survey (VNGS), Dwarf Galaxy Survey (DGS), Herschel Reference Survey (HRS), and Herschel Virgo Cluster Survey (HeViCS). MIPS 24, 70, and 160 micron images are available here using spatial and visualization tools.

If you use MIPS_LG data, please cite both the journal article Bendo et al. (2012) and the dataset Digital Object Identifier (DOI): 10.26131/IRSA414.

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Data Set Characteristics

Data ProductDescriptionData Access
Images Spitzer/MIPS 24, 70, 160 micron
Catalog MIPS Local Galaxies Catalog

MIPS_LG Documentation

Documentation MIPS Local Galaxies Catalog Descriptions
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