FLS-SDSS Version Information
FLS-SDSS Image Mosaic Properties
- 5-band ugriz visual image mosaics composed of hundreds of SDSS drift-scan fields
- sets of four 1.75 deg × 1.25 deg mosaics, north-up
- each mosaic is 15912×11364
- 0.396 arcsec × 0.396 arcsec square pixels (at fiducial point RA=259.5 deg, Dec=59.5 deg J2000)
- correct, FITS-compliant WCS astrometry headers
- the four mosaics “snap together” into one immense (31824×22728) mosaic with no overlaps or edge distortion issues
- calibrated in intensity units of [nMgy (0.396 arcsec)-2], where 1 nMgy (“nano maggie”) in flux is equivalent to 22.5 mag (AB system)
NB: If a source in one of the mosaics is measured to have total flux N in nMgy, its magnitude m is then
m = [22.5 mag] - 2.5 log10 N .
The above files are unwieldy, so we have made some lower-resolution, single-field mosaics with the following properties:
- same 5 bands
- individual 3.5 deg × 2.5 deg mosaics, north-up
- each mosaic is 10608×7576
- 1.188 arcsec × 1.188 arcsec square pixels (at fiducial point RA=259.5 deg, Dec=59.5 deg J2000)
- correct, FITS-compliant WCS astrometry headers
- calibrated in intensity units of [nMgy (1.188 arcsec)-2]
NB: Unlike the high resolution images, these lower-resolution images are not band-limited and should be used with caution.
There are some defects in these mosaics, which need to be worked out, worked around, or avoided by scientific users:
- sky noise variance is not constant but varies inversely with the number of overlapping SDSS fields (1 or 2 for most of the image area); in particular there are diagonal “stripes” of low noise in the images where SDSS camera columns overlap
- sky background level is not exactly zero everywhere; use local sky estimation when photometering sources
- bright stars are saturated and have bleed trails
- the PSF is variable across the fields
- filter reflections in the SDSS cameras cause bright stars to show nearby flares in sky brightness
- some cosmic rays have slipped through
- small CCD readout defects near extremely bright sources
- many bright single-band satellite trails
FLS-SDSS Spectroscopy
We have also assembled all SDSS spectroscopy in the FLS region into a pair of FITS files:
- one FITS file containing all of the SST FLS region SDSS spectra and their observational uncertainties on a common wavelength grid, with common calibration
- one FITS binary table file containing the positions of the spectroscopic sources and all of the parameters derived from the SDSS spectra by the Princeton pipelines
Essentially everything a user needs to know about the format and contents of these files, including calibration, is available at the SDSS Data Release 7 Specta page.
SDSS Photometric Catalog