The Science Opportunities for the Warm Spitzer Mission: Workshop
The questions that we will pose to the workshop are:
- Is the
science return from a Spitzer Warm Mission sufficiently compelling to
warrant continuing the operations in the Post-Cryogen era? If yes, for
how long?
- What is a reasonable size distribution for larger
projects (100 - 5000 hr projects)?
- How often should large
projects be selected, balancing the need for scientific timeliness
with the need for reduced cost operations?
- What fraction of
time in the Warm Spitzer mission should be devoted to small (<100 hrs)
- How often should Proposal Calls be solicited for
such (small) projects? Is a normal Great Observatory TAC appropriate,
necessary for these? What other cost-effective ways are there to
select the small projects?
- Should we do HDF-like projects in
warm mission [executed by SSC, immediately available data, SSC
produces higher level products rapidly, substantial archival funding
for research with these data sets] (range is 0-2 for first 2
years)? If yes, what should these projects be?
- Are there large projects of compelling science priority that
should be specially encouraged in the Call (without guarantee of
selection of one proposal), but where proposals are felt to be the
best way to select the science team?
- Are there projects of sufficient science
importance and community interest that would argue that even larger
commitments of observing time should be considered (> 5000
hrs)? If so how might these projects be selected?
To support this process the SSC will provide inputs to the committee
early in the process, including a description of Spitzer's post-cryo
restrictions and capabilities and briefly outlining a few possible
large projects, plus a strawman discussion of plausible budgets and
staffing (relatively concrete for first two years of extended
mission), and our expectations as to when the first calls for extended
mission projects will be.
We want the steering committee members to:
- Develop white papers (with scientific colleagues)
on science area (3-10 pages). White paper content:
- Science
- Potential Contribution of Warm Spitzer Data
- Scope
of data collection required (area or # of targets, sensitivity,
cadence of observations, any non-standard modes)
- Possibly
unique data analysis requirements
- Participate in review of the final report product from the workshop, and
possibly participate in the presentation to a "senior independent panel"
that the SSC will convene to assess our planning for the Warm Spitzer
White Papers are due the first week of May 2007; committee report due
shortly thereafter (this provides "strawman" answers to questions &
input to workshop).
Last updated: 03/05/2025 23:20:21
by help - at -