Data Access
V.E. Overview of Small Extended Source Data Processing

IRAS Explanatory Supplement
V. Data Reduction
E. Overview of Small Extended Source Data Processing

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
Table of Contents | Index | Previous Section | Next Section

Section V.E has been split into multiple files due to its size.

  1. Potential Detections
  2. Seconds-Confirmation
  3. Source Construction and Hours-Confirmation
  4. Cluster Analysis Processing
  5. Weeks-Confirmation
  6. Band-Merging
  7. Optimizing the Processor
    1. Choosing the Clustering Threshold
    2. Choosing the Weeks-Confirmation Threshold
    3. Choosing the Band-Merging Threshold
    4. Summary and Discussion
  8. The Small Extended Source Catalog

The small extended source processor used detections at scales larger than that of point sources to locate and measure stationary, unconfused sources resolved by the detectors but smaller than 8'. The identification of candidates was similar to that of point sources, in that the data stream of each detector was examined using zero-sum square-wave filters. The detections were checked for seconds-confirmation, then all the detections in the hours-confirming coverage were assembled to construct a model of the source from which estimates were made of the source parameters. Before weeks-confirmation, an effort was made to discard sources that were either confused larger than 8' or fragments of larger structures. Sources were then weeks-confirmed and when possible, band-merged. All weeks-confirmed sources appear in the small extended source catalog.

Chapter Contents | Introduction | Authors | References
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