
This tool creates custom coadds of WISE/NEOWISE data using single-exposure images from the mission archives. Single positions, tables of positions, or moving object input are allowed. NOTE: see Help for Moving Object/Stacking for caveats about long moving-object time ranges.

As of Nov 14, 2024, accessible data now include the entire WISE/NEOWISE release. But note that with the complete coverage, coadds made with the default time range (i.e. including all mission phases) can take a long time. If using the default it is best to submit through this web page and supply an e-mail address when the monitor page appears. See the top of the instructions, under "Important Note on Running Time" for more information.

Instructions for using the interface
Single Position                   Multiple Positions                   Moving Object/Stacking
Coordinates/Object Name:
Coordinate Examples: Default is Equatorial J2000 Coordinate Help
202.46963 +47.19517  |  13h 29m 52.71s +47d 11m 42.6s Equ J2000  |  104.85135 +68.56084 gal
WISE band number: [1, 2, 3, or 4]
[WISE band wavelengths (in microns): W1(3.4), W2 (4.6), W3 (12), W4 (22)]
Output coadd X size: [0.003 - 3.0 deg]
Output coadd Y size: [0.003 - 3.0 deg]
Rotation angle of output coadd (+Y axis W of N): [0 - 360 deg]
Output coadd pixel size: [≥ 0.3 arcsec]
Click for Point-Source Response weighted interpolation:
[Output pixel size will be reset to 1.375 arcsec. Read Instructions for important notes on interpolation.]
Click for resolution enhancement (HiRes):
[For HiRes, X,Y output size must be ≤ 0.25 deg, and pixel size is fixed at 0.6875 arcsec.]
Image Selection (if needed):
Minimum allowed frame quality: [5 or 10, since qual_frame has values 0(worst), 5, 10(best) and 0 is currently excluded.]
Minimum distance from Moon: [0 - 180 deg]
Minimum distance from South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) edge: [-25 - 180 deg, but ≥ 0 best]
Earliest observation date (UTC): [ddmmmyyyy hh:mm:ss]
Latest observation date (UTC): [ddmmmyyyy hh:mm:ss]
[Leave blank for latest data available. See Instructions. ]
User Image Input (optional): Input Help