Data Access

Planck Public Data Release 2 Maps

CMB Maps

CMB maps have been produced by the COMMANDER, NILC, SEVEM, and SMICA pipelines. For each pipeline we provide full-mission CMB intensity and polarization maps with associated masks.

In addition, there are six sets of maps from three data splits: first/second half-ring, odd/even years and first/second half-mission. Half-difference maps can be used to obtain an approximate noise estimate for the full mission, but they should be used with caution. Each split has caveats in this regard: there are noise correlations between the half-ring maps, and missing pixels in the other splits.

The intensity maps are provided at Nside = 2048, at 5 arcmin resolution, and the polarization maps are provided at Nside = 1024 at 10 arcmin resolution. All maps are in units of Kcmb. The Stokes Q and U maps are high-pass filtered to contain only modes above l > 30, as used for analysis by the Planck Collaboration.

Unfiltered CMB polarization maps, with versions R2.00 and R2.01, can be obtained from here, but are deprecated. See documentation for details.

The Pink cells indicate maps with polarization data, while the Blue cells are the maps with no polarization data.

Data set Commander NILC SEVEM SMICA
Polarization Nside=1024 (R2.02)
Full CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Halfmission-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Halfmission-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Ringhalf-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Ringhalf-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Year-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Year-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Intensity Nside=2048 (R2.01)
Full CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Halfmission-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Halfmission-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Ringhalf-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Ringhalf-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Year-1 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Year-2 CMB_IQU_commander CMB_IQU_nilc CMB_IQU_sevem CMB_IQU_smica
Foreground-Subtracted Single Frequency CMB Maps
Polarization Maps
Frequency (GHz) 070 100 143
Nside 1024 1024 1024
Full 070 100 143
Ringhalf-1 070 100 143
Ringhalf-2 070 100 143
Year-1 070 100 143
Year-2 070 100 143
Halfmission-1 070 100 143
Halfmission-2 070 100 143
Intensity Maps
Frequency (GHz) 100 143 217
Nside 1024 1024 1024
Full 100 143 217
Ringhalf-1 100 143 217
Ringhalf-2 100 143 217
Year-1 100 143 217
Year-2 100 143 217
Halfmission-1 100 143 217
Halfmission-2 100 143 217

The Common Masks

The common masks are stored in separate files for Temperature and Polarization. For intensity, we provide the UT78 and UTA76 masks at Nside=2048. For polarization, we provide the UP78, UPA77, and UPB77 masks at Nside=1024. Both files contain also a map of the missing pixels for the half mission and year coverage periods. The masks and the missing pixels maps are stored as separate columns in BINTABLE extension 1 of each file, named MASK-INT and MASK-POL, respectively.

Common Masks
Intensity UT78, UTA76 (R2.01) CMB_IQU_common-field-MaskInt_2048
Polarization UP78, UPA77, UPB77 (R2.01) CMB_IQU_common-field-MaskPol_1024

Planck Maps