The preliminary schedule is now available. It will break down into the following formats:

Contributed talks will be allocated 15 minutes, including questions. However, most blocks of talks will be followed by a related panel allowing for extended discussion.

Panel Discussions
These are group-directed discussions. While there will several panelists selected for each topic, the intent is to allow for a more general open discussion involving all attendees.

Open Discussions
A few 15 minute blocks of time are allocated in the schedule to allow for expanded discussions, or to address topics of interest that did not make it into the program.

Short Feature Theater
Many coffee/lunch breaks are followed by a 15 minute theater session. These will be forums for screening any visual material brought by the participants to the workshop. This is an excellent chance to show off (and solicit feedback) your podcasts, animations, imagery, etc. Bring your material ready to play (Quicktime movie, DVD, Powerpoint, or ready to go on your own laptop).

Other Activities
Our other activities include a workshop dinner on Monday followed by the Art of Astronomy event, and an expedition to Griffith Observatory (and Hollywood) on Tuesday.