Data Access

Cutouts Service: Program Interface

Introduction   Input Parameters   Examples   XML Output   Description of XML Tags

The IRSA Cutouts Service is a companion service to Atlas, IRSA's image search service. Atlas returns entire images, but Cutouts creates subimages from the original files at locations and sizes requested by the user. The Cutouts Service can be used on many of the data collections at IRSA. The cutouts can be requested via a web form, or an HTTP GET/POST program interface where the request is a set of "parameter=value" pairs and the return is an XML document containing URL links to the resulting data and metadata.

This document describes the program interface input parameters and the structure of the returned XML. Examples for some services are shown below.

A table upload option is available on the form interface but is not vital in program mode since users can perform this looping themselves.

Since Cutouts serves data for a large number of different datasets from different missions/collections, there are no default parameters for this service. The user must specify all required parameters. The form is:

Input Parameters   Introduction   Examples   XML Output   Description of XML Tags

The input parameters are entered as standard HTTP "parameter=value" pairs in HTTP/GET syntax. In this syntax, the parameter name is followed by an equal sign which is then followed by a value. No extra spaces are allowed and if the value contains any spaces or special characters that might cause ambiguities they have to be encoded as shown in any HTTP or URL reference (e.g. here). As shown above, these pairs are separated from each other by ampersand (&) characters.

The parameters are grouped here for presentation clarity into two subsets: manadatory search parameters for all data collections and manadatory search parameters for for specific data collections.

Mandatory Search Parameters for All Data Collections

Parameter Values Default Description
locstr (locstr
NA This is the search location parameter, required for all searches. The input can be a coordinate or astronomical object name; if it is an object name, it is resolved into coordinates using NED and, if that fails, SIMBAD.
sizeX (number) NA The image cutouts box size on the sky (units of this size parameter are specified by the next parameter, called "units", which can be deg, arcmin or arcsec). The size can be any number larger than zero (interpreted as a double) and smaller than the size specified by the "max_size" parameter (note units may be different). Note, in most cases, the maximum allowed sizeX value is 2.0 degrees, but it varies for the different data collections. If you need larger images, please use Atlas.
units deg
arcsec The units of the sizeX parameter. The default is "arcsec".
mode PI NA Cutouts can be run in several different modes; this document is specific to Program Interface (PI) mode only. The mode must be set to "PI" to return results in XML. If the mode is not set, the program's default results set is in HTML, not XML.
Mandatory Search Parameters for Specific Data Collections

The mission parameter is one of several mandatory for all Cutouts queries; this parameter is the acronym or short name for a data collection at IRSA.

Each mission also has mission-specific parameters listed in the tables below. The minimum and maximum cutout size allowed must be set; your "sizeX" parameter must fall in this range. The number of cutouts tables available for searching must be set, along with the name of each table.

Note: Some data collections are "private" (for team access only) and require a password to access the data.

Mission = C2D

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission C2D Spitzer Space Telescope "From Molecular Cores to Planet-Forming Disks"
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for C2D data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for C2D data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 7 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of C2D. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 images_irac Name of 1st cutout table. IRAC mosaics Channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 microns; 1980 fits images)
cutouttbl2 images_irac_unc Name of 2nd cutout table. IRAC mosaic uncertainty files Channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 micron; 1964 fits images)
cutouttbl3 images_irac_cov Name of 3rd cutout table. IRAC mosaic coverage files Channels 1, 2, 3 and 4 (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 micron; 1964 fits images)
cutouttbl4 images_mips Name of 4th cutout table. MIPS mosaics Channels 1, 2 and 3 (24, 70 and 160 micron; 854 fits images)
cutouttbl5 images_mips_unc Name of 5th cutout table. MIPS mosaic uncertainty files Channels 1, 2 and 3 (24, 70 and 160 micron; 852 fits images)
cutouttbl6 images_mips_cov Name of 6th cutout table. MIPS mosaic coverage files Channels 1, 2 and 3 (24, 70 and 160 micron; 852 fits images)
cutouttbl7 images_Av Name of 7th cutout table. Av Extinction FITS Maps (90 arcsec to 300 arcsec; 103 fits images)

Mission = COSMOS

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission COSMOS Cosmic Evolution Survey; and Spitzer-COSMOS (S-COSMOS) data
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for COSMOS data in arcseconds.
max_size 180 The maximum allowed cutout size for COSMOS data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 18 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of COSMOS. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 acs_mosaic_2.0 Name of 1st cutout table. HST-ACS Mosaic (Mosaic v1.2 [cycle 12 + 13] in full resolution, slight rotation [0.03"/pix])
cutouttbl2 wfpc Name of 2nd cutout table. HST-WFPC (615 PC and MOS Images)
cutouttbl3 nicmos_sci Name of 3rd cutout table. HST-NICMOS (203 Science Images; H band)
cutouttbl4 subaru_mosaics Name of 4th cutout table. SUBARU (Mosaic v2.0; B, NB816, V, gp, ip, rp, and zp Bands)
cutouttbl5 cfht_mosaics Name of 5th cutout table. CFHT (i-band Mosaic v2.0, u-band Mosaic v3.0)
cutouttbl6 kpno_mosaics Name of 6th cutout table. KPNO (Mosaic v3.0; Ks Band)
cutouttbl7 sdss_sci Name of 7th cutout table. SDSS (720 Science Images; g, i, r, u and z Band)
cutouttbl8 irac_sci Name of 8th cutout table. Spitzer-IRAC (Mosaic v1.0)
cutouttbl9 mips_sci Name of 9th cutout table. Spitzer-MIPS (Mosaic v1.0)
cutouttbl10 galex_sci Name of 15th cutout table. GALEX (4 pointings in NUV and FUV; intensity maps and weight files)
cutouttbl11 vla_lg_dp Name of 11th cutout table. VLA (Large program image in TAN projection, Deep program image in SIN projection)
cutouttbl12 xmm_sci Name of 12th cutout table. XMM (Single image in three bands - Hard, Medium and Soft X-ray)

Mission = EIGA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission EIGA The Extended IRAS Galaxy Atlas
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for EIGA data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for EIGA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of EIGA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 EIGA_band3_iter1 Name of 1st cutout table. Band 3, Iteration 1(60 micron; 475 fits images)
cutouttbl2 EIGA_band4_iter1 Name of 2nd cutout table. Band 4, Iteration 1(100 micron; 475 fits images)
cutouttbl3 EIGA_band3_iter20 Name of 3rd cutout table. Band 3, Iteration 20(60 micron; 475 fits images)
cutouttbl4 EIGA_band4_iter20 Name of 4th cutout table. Band 4, Iteration 20(100 micron; 475 fits images)

Mission = ELFLock

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission ELFLock The Eureka Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) Far-IR Lockman Hole Map
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for ELFLock data in arcseconds.
max_size 3600 The maximum allowed cutout size for ELFLock data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 1 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of ELFLock. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 images Name of 1st cutout table. Single ELFLock Map image.

Mission = FIDEL

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission FIDEL Spitzer Space Telescope "Far-Infrared Deep Extragalactic Legacy Survey"
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for FIDEL data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for FIDEL data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 3 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of FIDEL. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 images_sci Name of 1st cutout table. FIDEL "science" FITS images.
cutouttbl2 images_std Name of 2nd cutout table. FIDEL "std" standard deviation FITS images.
cutouttbl3 images_exp Name of 3rd cutout table. FIDEL "exp" Exposure Maps FITS images.

Mission = FLS_ELAISN1_R

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission FLS_ELAISN1_R The Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) -- NOAO ELAIS N1 -- R
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for FLS_ELAISN1_R data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for FLS_ELAISN1_R data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 2 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of FLS_ELAISN1_R. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 FLS_ELAISN1_R Name of 1st cutout table. FLS NOAO R-band of ELAIS N1 field (Optical R-band; 7 fits images)
cutouttbl2 FLS_ELAISN1_R_fullfield Name of 2nd cutout table. FLS NOAO R-band of ELAIS N1 field [low resolution fullfield] (Optical R-band; 1 fits file mosaic)

Mission = FLS_MAIN_R

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission FLS_MAIN_R The Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) -- NOAO Extragalactic -- R (FLS_MAIN_R) 7
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for FLS_MAIN_R data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for FLS_MAIN_R data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 2 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of FLS_MAIN_R. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 FLS_MAIN_R Name of 1st cutout table. FLS NOAO MAIN R-band (Optical R-band; 25 fits images)
cutouttbl2 FLS_MAIN_R_fullfield Name of 2nd cutout table. FLS NOAO MAIN R-band [low resolution fullfield] (Optical R-band; 1 fits file mosaic)

Mission = FLS_VLA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission FLS_VLA The Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS) -- Ancillary VLA Data
min_size 20 The minimum allowed cutout size for FLS_VLA data in arcseconds.
max_size 3600 The maximum allowed cutout size for FLS_VLA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 1 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of FLS_VLA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 FLS_VLA Name of 1st cutout table. FLS VLA Mosaic (1.4 GHz; 1 fits mosaic image)

Mission = GLIMPSE

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission GLIMPSE Spitzer Space Telescope "Galactic Legacy Infrared Midplane Survey Extraordinaire"
(GLIMPSE). Includes data from GLIMPSE I, II and 3D projects.
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for GLIMPSE data in arcseconds.
max_size 599 The maximum allowed cutout size for GLIMPSE data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 8 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of GLIMPSE. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 IRAC1_0.6ResMos Name of 1st cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH1 (1.1x0.8, 1.1x1.6, 1.1x1.2 and 1.5x0.9 deg mosaics) (3.6 microns; 396 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl2 IRAC2_0.6ResMos Name of 2nd cutout table. >Spitzer IRAC CH2 (1.1x0.8, 1.1x1.6, 1.1x1.2 and 1.5x0.9 deg mosaics) (4.5 microns; 396 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl3 IRAC3_0.6ResMos Name of 3rd cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH3 (1.1x0.8, 1.1x1.6, 1.1x1.2 and 1.5x0.9 deg mosaics) (5.8 microns; 396 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl4 IRAC4_0.6ResMos Name of 4th cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH4 (1.1x0.8, 1.1x1.6, 1.1x1.2 and 1.5x0.9 deg mosaics) (8.0 microns; 396 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl5 IRAC1_1.2ResMos Name of 5th cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH1 (3.1x2.4, 3.1x3.45, 3.1x4.5 and 2.8x2.5 deg mosaics) (3.6 microns; 48 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl6 IRAC2_1.2ResMos Name of 6th cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH2 (3.1x2.4, 3.1x3.45, 3.1x4.5 and 2.8x2.5 deg mosaics) (4.5 microns; 48 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl7 IRAC3_1.2ResMos Name of 7th cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH3 (3.1x2.4, 3.1x3.45, 3.1x4.5 and 2.8x2.5 deg mosaics) (5.8 microns; 48 fits mosaics)
cutouttbl8 IRAC4_1.2ResMos Name of 8th cutout table. Spitzer IRAC CH4 (3.1x2.4, 3.1x3.45, 3.1x4.5 and 2.8x2.5 deg mosaics) (8.0 microns; 48 fits mosaics)

Mission = GOODS

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission SGOODS Spitzer Space Telescope "The Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey"
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for GOODS data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for GOODS data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of GOODS. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 Spitzer_IRAC_DR3 Name of 1st cutout table. Spitzer IRAC (DR3) (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 microns; 4 mosaic fits/exp/flg/wht images) Fields: South
cutouttbl2 Spitzer_MIPS_DR3 Name of 2nd cutout table. Spitzer MIPS (DR3) (24 microns; 1 mosaic fits/exp/flg/wht images) Fields: South
cutouttbl3 Spitzer_IRAC_DR2 Name of 3rd cutout table. Spitzer IRAC (DR2) (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 microns; 8 mosaic fits/exp/flg/wht images) Fields: North & South
cutouttbl4 Ancillary_Opical Name of 4th cutout table. Ancillary Optical (HST-ACS; 140 drizzled fits images) Fields: North & South

Mission = IGA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission IGA The IRAS Galaxy Atlas
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for IGA data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for IGA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of IGA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 IGA_band3_iter1 Name of 1st cutout table. Band 3, Iteration 1 (60 micron; 3911 fits images)
cutouttbl2 IGA_band4_iter1 Name of 2nd cutout table. Band 4, Iteration 1 (100 micron; 3911 fits images)
cutouttbl3 IGA_band3_iter20 Name of 3rd cutout table. Band 3, Iteration 20 (60 micron; 3911 fits images)
cutouttbl4 IGA_band4_iter20 Name of 4th cutout table. Band 4, Iteration 20 (100 micron; 3911 fits images)

Mission = IRIS

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission IRIS The Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for IRIS data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for IRIS data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of IRIS. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 IRIS_band1 Name of 1st cutout table. Band 1: H0, H1, H2, H3 (12 micron; 1720 fits images)
cutouttbl2 IRIS_band2 Name of 2nd cutout table. Band 2: H0, H1, H2, H3 (25 micron; 1720 fits images)
cutouttbl3 IRIS_band3 Name of 3rd cutout table. Band 3: H0, H1, H2, H3 (60 micron; 1720 fits images)
cutouttbl4 IRIS_band4 Name of 4th cutout table. Band 4: H0, H1, H2, H3 (100 micron; 1720 fits images)

Mission = IRTS

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission IRTS The Infrared Telescope in Space
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for IRTS data in arcseconds.
max_size 14400 The maximum allowed cutout size for IRTS data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 6 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of IRTS. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 IRTS_FILM_155um Name of 1st cutout table. Far-Infrared Line Mapper (FILM) (155 micron; 450 fits images)
cutouttbl2 IRTS_FILM_CII Name of 2nd cutout table. Far-Infrared Line Mapper (FILM) CII ([CII]-line channel; 352 fits images)
cutouttbl3 IRTS_FIRP_250um Name of 3rd cutout table. Far-InfraRed Photometer (FIRP) Channel 3 (250 micron; 74 fits images)
cutouttbl4 IRTS_FIRP_400um Name of 4th cutout table. Far-InfraRed Photometer (FIRP) Channel 2 (400 micron; 10 fits images)
cutouttbl5 IRTS_FIRP_700um Name of 5th cutout table. Far-InfraRed Photometer (FIRP) Channel 1 (700 micron; 180 fits images)
cutouttbl6 IRTS_MIRS_7_7um Name of 6th cutout table. Mid-Infrared Spectrometer (MIRS) (7.7 micron; 1 fits image)

Mission = ISSA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission ISSA The IRAS Sky Survey Atlas
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for ISSA data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for ISSA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of ISSA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 ISSA_band1 Name of 1st cutout table. Band 1 (12 micron; 430 fits images)
cutouttbl2 ISSA_band2 Name of 2nd cutout table. Band 2 (25 micron; 430 fits images)
cutouttbl3 ISSA_band3 Name of 3rd cutout table. Band 3 (60 micron; 430 fits images)
cutouttbl4 ISSA_band4 Name of 4th cutout table. Band 4 (100 micron; 430 fits images)

Mission = LGA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission LGA The 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for LGA data in arcseconds.
max_size 3600 The maximum allowed cutout size for LGA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 3 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of LGA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 LGA_J_band Name of 1st cutout table. 2MASS J Band (1.24 micron; 649 fits images)
cutouttbl2 LGA_H_band Name of 2nd cutout table. 2MASS H Band (1.66 micron; 649 fits images)
cutouttbl3 LGA_K_band Name of 3rd cutout table. 2MASS K Band (2.16 micron; 649 fits images)

Mission = LH

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission LH The 2MASS 6X Lockman Hole Ancillary Data Atlas
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for LH data in arcseconds.
max_size 3600 The maximum allowed cutout size for LH data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 3 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of LH. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 LH_J_band Name of 1st cutout table. 2MASS J Band (1.24 micron; 805 fits images)
cutouttbl2 LH_H_band Name of 2nd cutout table. 2MASS H Band (1.66 micron; 805 fits images)
cutouttbl3 LH_K_band Name of 3rd cutout table. 2MASS K Band (2.16 micron; 805 fits images)

Mission = MIGA

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission MIGA The Mid-Infrared IRAS Galaxy Atlas
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for MIGA data in arcseconds.
max_size 3600 The maximum allowed cutout size for MIGA data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of MIGA. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 MIGA_band1_iter1 Name of 1st cutout table. Band 1, Iteration 1 (12 micron; 1956 fits images)
cutouttbl2 MIGA_band2_iter1 Name of 2nd cutout table. Band 2, Iteration 1 (25 micron; 1956 fits images)MIGA_band2_iter20
cutouttbl3 MIGA_band1_iter20 Name of 3rd cutout table. Band 1, Iteration 20 (12 micron; 1956 fits images)
cutouttbl4 MIGA_band2_iter20 Name of 4th cutout table. Band 2, Iteration 20 (25 micron; 1956 fits images)

Mission = MIPSGAL

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission MIPSGAL Spitzer Space Telescope "A 24 and 70 Micron Survey of the Inner Galactic Disk with MIPS"
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for MIPSGAL data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for MIPSGAL data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 1 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of MIPSGAL. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 mipsgal_cutouts Name of 1st cutout table. MIPSGAL Mosaics.

Mission = MSX

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission MSX The Midcourse Space Experiment
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for MSX data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for MSX data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 5 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of MSX. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 MSX_bandA Name of 1st cutout table. Band A (8.276 microns; 1719 fits images)
cutouttbl2 MSX_bandC Name of 2nd cutout table. Band C (12.126 micron; 1887 fits images)
cutouttbl3 MSX_bandD Name of 3rd cutout table. Band D (14.649 micron; 1719 fits images)
cutouttbl4 MSX_bandE Name of 4th cutout table. Band E (21.411 micron; 1719 fits images)
cutouttbl5 MSX_mosaics Name of 5th cutout table. Galaxies, star-forming regions, IRAS Gaps (Bands A, C, D and E; 272 fits images)

Mission = SAGE

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission SAGE Spitzer Space Telescope "Surveying the Agents of a Galaxy's Evolution"
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for SAGE data in arcseconds.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for SAGE data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 3 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of SAGE. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 mips24 Name of 1st cutout table. Spitzer MIPS 24um (Epochs 1 & 2 mosaics - 2 FITS images)
cutouttbl2 mips70 Name of 2nd cutout table. Spitzer MIPS 70um (1 fits image)
cutouttbl3 mips160 Name of 3rd cutout table. Spitzer MIPS 160um (1 fits image)

Mission = SWIRE

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission SWIRE Spitzer Space Telescope "The Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey"
min_size 1 The minimum allowed cutout size for SWIRE data in arcseconds.
max_size 600 The maximum allowed cutout size for SWIRE data in arcseconds.
ntable_cutouts 4 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of SWIRE. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 SWIRE_Spitzer_IRAC Name of 1st cutout table. Spitzer IRAC (3.6, 4.5, 6.8 and 8.0 microns; 344 fits images) Fields: EN1, EN2, Lockman, XMM, ES1 and CDFS
cutouttbl2 SWIRE_Spitzer_MIPS Name of 2nd cutout table. Spitzer MIPS (24, 70 and 160 microns; 18 fits images) Fields: EN1, EN2, Lockman, XMM, ES1 and CDFS
cutouttbl3 SWIRE_Anc_Optical Name of 3rd cutout table. Ancillary Optical (u, g, z, r and i bands; 169 fits images) Fields: EN1, EN2 and Lockman
cutouttbl4 SWIRE_Anc_ISO Name of 4th cutout table. Ancillary ISO (14.3 microns; 2 fits image mosaics) Fields: Lockman

Mission = Taurus

Parameter Value Full Name of Mission /
Parameter Description
Example Number
mission Taurus Spitzer Space Telescope "Taurus 2: Finishing the Spitzer Map of the Taurus Molecular Clouds"
min_size 756 The minimum allowed cutout size for Taurus data in degrees.
max_size 7200 The maximum allowed cutout size for Taurus data in degrees.
ntable_cutouts 8 The number of metadata tables to search, for cutouts of Taurus. Names of all N tables are listed below.
cutouttbl1 irac_ch1 Name of 1st cutout table. IRAC Channel 1 (3.6 micron, 96 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl2 irac_ch2 Name of 2nd cutout table. IRAC Channel 2 (4.5 micron, 96 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl3 irac_ch3 Name of 3rd cutout table. IRAC Channel 3 (5.8 micron, 96 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl4 irac_ch4 Name of 4th cutout table. IRAC Channel 4 (8.0 micron, 96 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl5 mips_24_E1 Name of 5th cutout table. MIPS24 Epoch1 (24 micron; 30 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl6 mips_24_E2 Name of 6th cutout table. MIPS24 Epoch2 (24 micron; 30 fits images - science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl7 mips_70 Name of 7th cutout table. MIPS70 mosaic (70 micron; 4 fits images - flat field, science, uncertainty and coverage maps)
cutouttbl8 mips_160 Name of 8th cutout table. IRAC Channel 1 (160 micron; 4 fits images - flat field, science, uncertainty and coverage maps)

Examples       Introduction   Input Parameters   XML Output   Description of XML Tags

Examples are given below using every mission parameter (dataset) listed above. The rest of the parameters are varied to show as examples. The same example is given twice, once for HTTP results and once for XML results (mode=PI). Valid input locations are used for each dataset. Listed at the very bottom of the examples are a few which show error conditions (bad input) and warnings of no data found at a specified location.

Note: The following examples can be run by clicking their links.
  1. C2D (HTTP results)
    C2D (mission) data are searched at location of source "L1228" (locstr); size of search is 45 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 7 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=images_irac, cutouttbl2=images_irac_unc, cutouttbl3=images_irac_cov, cutouttbl4=images_mips, cutouttbl5=images_mips_unc, cutouttbl6=images_mips_cov, cutouttbl7=images_Av. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    C2D (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  2. COSMOS (HTTP results)
    COSMOS (mission) data are searched at location of source "150.425933 2.430235" (locstr); size of search is 15 (sizeX) degrees (units). There is no minimum allowed cutout size (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 180 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 18 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=acs_mosaic_2.0, cutouttbl2=wfpc, cutouttbl3=nicmos_sci, cutouttbl4=subaru_mosaics, cutouttbl5=cfht_mosaics, cutouttbl6=kpno_mosaics, cutouttbl7=sdss_sci, cutouttbl8=irac_sci, cutouttbl9=mips_sci, cutouttbl10=galex_sci, cutouttbl11=vla_lg_dp, cutouttbl12=xmm_sci. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    COSMOS (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  3. EIGA (HTTP results)
    EIGA (mission) data are searched at location of source location: "20h 50m 36.82s +51d 46m+13.7s Equ J2000" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=EIGA_band3_iter1, cutouttbl2=EIGA_band4_iter1, cutouttbl3=EIGA_band3_iter20, cutouttbl4=EIGA_band4_iter20. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    EIGA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  4. ELFLock (HTTP results)
    ELFLock (mission) data are searched at location of source "NGC 3353" (locstr); size of search is 5.0 (sizeX) arcmin (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcmin (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 3600 arcmin (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 1 (ntable_cutouts); the metadata table name is: cutouttbl1=images. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    ELFLock (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  5. FIDEL (HTTP results)
    FIDEL (mission) data are searched at location "53.158591 -27.891113 eq" (locstr); size of search is 30.0 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 3 (ntable_cutouts); the metadata table names are: cutouttbl1=images_sci, cutouttbl2=images_std, and cutouttbl3=images_exp. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    FIDEL (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  6. FLS_ELAISN1_R (HTTP results)
    FLS_ELAISN1_R (mission) data are searched at location of source "242.76971 +54.47632 eq" (locstr); size of search is 25 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=FLS_ELAISN1_R, cutouttbl2=FLS_ELAISN1_R_fullfield. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    FLS_ELAISN1_R (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  7. FLS_MAIN_R (HTTP results)
    nph-cutouts?mission=FLS_MAIN_R&min_size=1&max_size=600&units=arcsec&locstr=FLSVLA J171940.2+592449&sizeX=25&ntable_cutouts=2&cutouttbl1=FLS_MAIN_R&cutouttbl2=FLS_MAIN_R_fullfield
    FLS_MAIN_R (mission) data are searched at location of source "FLSVLA J171940.2 +592449" (locstr); size of search is 25 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 2 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=FLS_MAIN_R, cutouttbl2=FLS_MAIN_R_fullfield. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    FLS_MAIN_R (XML results)
    mission=FLS_MAIN_R&min_size=1&max_size=600&units=arcsec&locstr=FLSVLA J171940.2+592449&sizeX=25&ntable_cutouts=2&cutouttbl1=FLS_MAIN_R&cutouttbl2=FLS_MAIN_R_fullfield&mode=PI
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  8. FLS_VLA (HTTP results)
    FLS_VLA (mission) data are searched at location of source "FLSVLA J171940.2 +592449" (locstr); size of search is 25 (sizeX) arcmin (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcmin (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcmin (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=FLS_MAIN_R, cutouttbl2=FLS_MAIN_R_fullfield. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    FLS_VLA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  9. GLIMPSE (HTTP results)
    GLIMPSE [mission] (includes GLIMPSE I, II and 3D) data are searched at location of source "16h 38m 06.53s -45d 52m 55.3s Equ J2000" [locstr]; size of search is 25 arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 599 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 8 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=IRAC1_0.6ResMos, cutouttbl2=IRAC2_0.6ResMos, cutouttbl3=IRAC3_0.6ResMos, cutouttbl4=IRAC4_0.6ResMos, cutouttbl5=IRAC1_1.2ResMos, cutouttbl6=IRAC2_1.2ResMos, cutouttbl7=IRAC3_1.2ResMos, cutouttbl8=IRAC4_1.2ResMos. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    GLIMPSE (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  10. GOODS (HTTP results)
    GOODS (mission) data are searched at location of source "COMBO-17 30561" (locstr); size of search is 0.15 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=Spitzer_IRAC_DR3, cutouttbl2=Spitzer_MIPS_DR3,cutouttbl3=Spitzer_IRAC_DR2, cutouttbl4=Ancillary_Opical. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    GOODS (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  11. IGA (HTTP results)
    IGA (mission) data are searched at location of source "M 16" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=IGA_band3_iter1, cutouttbl2=IGA_band4_iter1,cutouttbl3=IGA_band3_iter20, cutouttbl4=IGA_band4_iter20. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    IGA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).
    Note, the XML output results of this example are discussed in the XML Output section below.

  12. IRIS (HTTP results)
    IRIS (mission) data are searched at location of source "335.762875 59.146226 eq" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=IRIS_band1, cutouttbl2=IRIS_band2,cutouttbl3=IRIS_band3, cutouttbl4=IRIS_band4. The mode is not set (HTTP output).

    IRIS (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  13. IRTS (HTTP results)
    IRTS (mission) data are searched at location of source "47.09669 -1.71325 ga" (locstr); size of search is 0.5 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 14400 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 6 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=IRTS_FILM_155um, cutouttbl2=IRTS_FILM_CII,cutouttbl3=IRTS_FIRP_250um, cutouttbl4=IRTS_FIRP_400um, cutouttbl5=IRTS_FIRP_700um, cutouttbl6=IRTS_MIRS_7_7um. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    IRTS (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  14. ISSA (HTTP results)
    ISSA (mission) data are searched at location of source "22h 23m 03.09s +59d 08m 46.4s Equ J2000" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=ISSA_band1, cutouttbl2=ISSA_band2,cutouttbl3=ISSA_band3, cutouttbl4=ISSA_band4. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    ISSA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  15. LGA (HTTP results)
    LGA (mission) data are searched at location of source "188.86008 +14.49636 eq" (locstr); size of search is 4.0 (sizeX) arcmin (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcmin (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 3600 arcmin (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 3 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=LGA_J_band, cutouttbl2=LGA_H_band,cutouttbl3=LGA_K_band. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    LGA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  16. LH (HTTP results)
    LH (mission) data are searched at location of source "NGC 3353" (locstr); size of search is 4.0 (sizeX) arcmin (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcmin (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 3600 arcmin(max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 3 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=LH_J_band, cutouttbl2=LH_H_band,cutouttbl3=LH_K_band. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    LH (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  17. MIGA (HTTP results)
    MIGA (mission) data are searched at location of source "22h 23m 03.09s +59d 08m 46.4s Equ J2000" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=MIGA_band1_iter1, cutouttbl2=MIGA_band2_iter1,cutouttbl3=MIGA_band1_iter20, cutouttbl4=MIGA_band2_iter20. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    MIGA (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  18. MIPSGAL (HTTP results)
    MIPSGAL (mission) data are searched at location of source "NGC 6631" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 765 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 1 (ntable_cutouts); the metadata table name is: cutouttbl1=mipsgal_cutouts. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    MIPSGAL (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  19. MSX (HTTP results)
    MSX (mission) data are searched at location of source "46.5377 -0.2518 ga" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 765 degrees (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 degrees (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 5 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=MSX_bandA, cutouttbl2=MSX_bandC,cutouttbl3=MSX_bandD, cutouttbl4=MSX_bandE, cutouttbl5=MSX_mosaics. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    MSX (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  20. SAGE (HTTP results)
    SAGE (mission) data are searched at location of source "NGC 2070" (locstr); size of search is 0.25 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 3 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=mips24, cutouttbl2=mips70, cutouttbl3=mips160. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    SAGE (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  21. SWIRE (HTTP results)
    SWIRE (mission) data are searched at location of source "241.51621 55.42525 eq" (locstr); size of search is 25 (sizeX) arcsec (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 1 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 600 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 4 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=SWIRE_Spitzer_IRAC, cutouttbl2=SWIRE_Spitzer_MIPS,cutouttbl3=SWIRE_Anc_Optical, cutouttbl4=SWIRE_Anc_ISO. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    SWIRE (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

  22. Taurus (HTTP results)
    Taurus (mission) data are searched at location "68.74 +26.205 eq" (locstr); size of search is 0.21 (sizeX) degrees (units). The minimum allowed cutout size is 756 arcsec (min_size) and the maximum allowed cutout size is 7200 arcsec (max_size). The number of Cutouts metadata tables is 8 (ntable_cutouts); each of the metadata table names are as follows: cutouttbl1=irac_ch1, cutouttbl2=irac_ch2, cutouttbl3=irac_ch3, cutouttbl4=irac_ch4, cutouttbl5=mips_24_E1, cutouttbl6=mips_24_E2, cutouttbl7=mips_70, cutouttbl8=mips_160. The mode is not set (HTTP output)

    Taurus (XML results)
    The same parameters apply as above but the mode is set to Program Interface (PI).

XML Output     Introduction   Input Parameters   Examples   Description of XML Tags

Normally, when you run a web application the return is HTML text which is rendered in a browser and contains links to download additional data files. However, HTML is notoriously difficult to parse, so in program mode we instead return a simple XML document. This document can be rendered in a browser but the normal use pattern is as follows: have your program make an HTTP request using the above parameters; retrieving the XML result into a file (or memory); parse it; extract links to the desired final data files; and use these links (again from your program) to retrieve the data.

The interaction above can be done in a variety of ways, ranging from simple scripting (using programs like 'wget') to integrated URL-access and XML-parsing in JAVA, PERL, Python, etc. Our XML is simple enough that if you do not have XML-parsing tools simple pattern checking (manually built code or tools like PERL) should suffice.

The returned XML "inventory" contains two types of information: counts (e.g. how many Images were found) and links (URLs you can use to download data files from a temporary workspace). Some of these data files are 'wget' scripts provided as a convenience for people who want to use that mechanism for bulk data downloads.

Below we give example XML output for three of the use cases above. The first block is from Example 11 above (a normal return), the second is an example error return (using a bogus coordinate locstr value of "bla") and the third is an example of a notication that no sources were found for a valid position. After these examples, we will enumerate all the tags that might be returned by a successful query. These examples vary only in the input constraints; their XML outputs are similar in layout with varying number of result images, catalog sources and spectra; when none are found the result tags are skipped.

Output from Example 11:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <result status="ok">
        <collection> IGA  </collection>
        <ra> 274.700730  </ra>
        <dec> -13.807230  </dec>
        <regSize> 0.250000  </regSize>
        <units> degrees  </units>
          <cutoutsN> 8  </cutoutsN>
          <skipN>  0  </skipN>
        <counts> 8  <counts>

           Note: The above only lists 2 of the 8 image cutouts.  Six more fits/jpg image cutouts were removed from the list, to keep the example compact.



Output where no sources were found for a requested position is the same as above XML output, but since no results are available cutoutsN = 0, and no cutouts are listed.

Output with an error condition:

    <?xml version="1.0"?>
    <result status="error">
         Coordinate lookup error:  Either no location string given, or position table was used without selecting 'Multiple Positions' button.  Please try again.

Description of XML Tags     Introduction   Input Parameters   Examples   XML Output

The structure of the XML file is straightforward and is fully illustrated by the above examples; we do not feel it necessary to provide formal schema information. We may add information to the XML as needed, though we will make every effort not to change the existing tag structure in the process.

Tag name description
result This is the top tag of the XML file, it contains a variable "status" indicating whether the query is successful: "ok" for successul query, "error" indicating that something went wrong during the query, or "warning" if there was an issue processing the request.
message This tag contains the error message when the query status = "error" or "warning".
description This series of tags contain input parameter information regarding the data collection, location of search and size of search.
collection This tag contains the name of the mission or data collection. All values of missions can be found in the Manadatory Search Parameters for Specific Data Collections section above.
ra The Right Ascension of the requested search, in decimal degrees [J2000]
dec The Declination of the requested search, in decimal degrees [J2000]
regSize The box size of the cutout.
units The cutout size (regSize) associated units
summary This section contains files that show the overall search results.
resultHtml An HTML page that contains the entire set of search results, which includes the search location, number of cutouts, the number of skipped cutouts, information on how to download the results and table of the cutouts with quicklook previews of each cutout.
counts Contains the number of cutouts successfully created and the number of cutouts which were skipped. Skipped cutouts are generally due to the fact that the requested cutout is from an edge of an image with NaN (blank) padded values, instead of actual data. These cutout cases are skipped.
cutoutsN The number of cutouts created in the request.
skipN The number of cutouts which were skipped because of blank image sections.
downloadScript Section with links to scripts (files) which contain bulk download instructions using the unix tool "wget" to download all the cutouts search results: image FITS and JPEG.
fits Links to script (file) which contains bulk download instructions using the unix tool "wget" to download all the cutouts in FITS format.
jpg Links to script (file) which contains bulk download instructions using the unix tool "wget" to download all the cutouts in JPEG format.
images This section contains the information regarding the image cutout results; metadata is provided in ASCII IPAC table format (metadata tag name), as well as in HTML format; each cutout is listed in FITS and JPG format.
counts The number of cutouts created in the request.
metadata An IPAC formatted ASCII table containing the parameters of the FITS image cutouts results set.
metadataHTML The HTML Table version of the image metadata FITS image results set.
cutouts Section containing a list of every cutout (# of cutouts is stated in counts) created in FITS and JPEG format.
fits Link to a FITS cutout.
jpg Link to a JPEG file of the FITS image cutout.