This workshop has been made
possible with the generous support of the
Spitzer Science Center
and tremendous logistical
support from the LOC of Cool Stars 14.
A variety of conferences and workshops in the area of
astronomy visualizations have helped to inspire this
workshop. Our thanks to everyone who has been helping to
advance the state of the art and the community.
ORIWORKS Astronomical Outreach Imaging
STScI, Sept. 29-30, 2003
Communicating Astronomy with the Public
Garching, Germany, June 14-17, 2005
Chandra Visualization
Cambridge, MA, Nov. 2-4, 2005
There is also a Yahoo Group dedicated to the field of
astronomy visualization. It's primary function is as an
email exploder, but there are also online resources,
downloads, etc. available to members. More information can
be found at:
Astro-Viz '06 is held in tandem with the
Cool Stars 14 conference.