Data Access

Appendix 3. Long Exposure (6x) Scan Databases, Catalogs and Images

1. Overview of the Long Exposure (6x) Observations and Data Products

d. Cautionary Notes

  1. General 6x Notes
  2. 6x Point Source Working Database and Catalog
  3. 6x Extended Source Working Database and Catalog
  4. 6x Image Atlas

Before using the 2MASS extended mission 6x data products, users are strongly encouraged to familiarize themselves with the Cautionary Notes to the All-Sky Data Release data products in 1.6. The 2MASS 6x observations were made using the same facilities and the same basic strategy as the main survey, and the 6x data were reduced with a software pipeline very similar to that used for the main survey. Therefore, most of the characteristics and limitations associated with the All-Sky Release data products will apply to the 6x data products.

The sections below describe features and caveats that are unique to the 6x data products and highlight a few of the important features that are common to the 6x and main survey data products. These sections are intended to supplement the Cautionary Notes to the All-Sky Data Release but not to replace them.

Section A3.1.d.i presents general Cautionary Notes, and A3.1.d.ii, A3.1.d.iii and A3.1.d.iv provide essential information for the 6x point and extended source Working Databases, Catalogs and Atlas Images, respectively.

i. General 6x Notes

ii. 6x Point Source Working Database and Catalog

iii. 6x Extended Source Working Database and Catalog

iv. 6x Image Atlas

[Last Updated: 2008 March 13; by R. Cutri]

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