Data Access

IRSA Image IRTS "Site" map

IRTS Front Page
IRTS Mission Hardware
IRTS Results
Focal Plane Instruments (FPI)
Data Reduction and Analysis
IPAC Pointing Reconstruction

IRTS Front Page:

Search for IRTS data (using Atlas)
Short IRTS overview (from ISAS)
IRTS Deatailed Informational Material (from ISAS)
Space and Astronautical Science (ISAS), in Sagamihara, Japan
IRTS Instrument Summary
ISSA all-sky image (background) data
Atlas Software Guide

IRTS Mission Hardware:

Cyogenically Cooled Telescope
IRTS Telescope
Focal Plane Instruments (FPI)
SFU (Space Flyer Unit)
HII-3 rocket
HII-3 Launched
Observations with IRTS
Recovery of the SFU/IRTS

IRTS Results:

IRTS data archive through Atlas
IRTS data reduction and analysis
List of IRTS Publications
International Symposium: Diffuse Infrared Radiation and the IRTS

Focal Plane Instruments (FPI):

Focal Plane Instruments (FPI) Listing
The Near InfraRed Spectrometer (NIRS)
NIRS photographs
"The Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)" by Murakami, H. et al. [pdf]
IRTS Instrument Summary Table

Data Reduction and Analysis:

IRTS Information for Data Analysis
IPAC Pointing Reconstruction
IRTS_LAN (IRTS original data set)
IRTS Major Events
g-angle operation
Orbital Events
Attitude - Nakagawa ATT format
Attitude - Nakagawa ATT format(2)
MC Time Delay & Accuracy
Timer Commnands Delay
Lost Data due to REC-H Overflow
IRTS Publications

IPAC Pointing Reconstruction:

Document - IPAC Pointing Reconstruction Front Page
Document - Pointing Reconstruction Processing for IRTS
First Release of IRTS Attitude Data
IPAC Pointing Reconstruction - Release History
IPAC Pointing Reconstruction - List of latest version
Focal Plane Geometry adopted by IPAC

IRSA Image IRTS Home Page