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Programmatic Presentations

Monday, June 7

SOFIA Overview
Pamela M. Marcum , NASA SOFIA Project Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center

Jon A. Morse , Director Astrophysics Division, NASA HQ
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Second Generation SOFIA Instrument AO
Paul Hertz , Chief Scientist, Science Mission Directorate and SOFIA Program Scientist NASA HQ

Tuesday, June 8

First and Next Generation German Instruments
Alois Himmes , DLR SOFIA Development Program Manager, Deutschen Zentrum für Luft- und Raumfahrt (DLR) SOFIA

First Generation Instruments
Eric E. Becklin , SOFIA Chief Science Advisor

Thomas Roellig (Chair), Deputy NASA SOFIA Project Scientist, NASA Ames Research Center

Workshop Summary
Steven Beckwith , Vice President for Research, University of California

Invited Science Reviews

The Interstellar Medium

Galaxies and Extragalactic Astronomy

Star Formation and Stellar Evolution

Planets: Local and Distant

Contributed Posters

1. SOFIA First Generation Instruments

2. New Instruments and Upgrades

3. Technology

4. Synergies, Observatories and Pathfinders

5. Science Applications and Diagnostics