IRAC High Precision Photometry
This is an investigation of the actual precision reached for published, single epoch, IRAC observations. Plots are normalized at a binning size of 1. The dashed black line is photon noise limited. The dashed grey line is 2 (1.5) times the photon noise limit for ch1 (2). The third plot is a zoom in on ch2.
These plots are incomplete!! If you have data you would like to add to this plot, please email the SSC Helpdesk.

HD189733: Knutson et al. 2011
GJ436: Knutson et al. 2012
GJ1214: Fraine et al. 2014, Ballard et al. private communication
HD209458: Zellem et al 2014
HD149026: Stevenson et al. 2012
HatP2: Lewis et al. 2013
WASP-12: Stevenson et al. 2014
55Cnc: Demory et al. private communication