Data Access

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Multi-Archive Data Integration

On-Line Archive Science Information Services (OASIS)
OASIS is a general astronomical archive access and data integration tool. It provides data from sources including IRSA, NED, CDS, STScI, LLNL, NRAO, AAVSO, HEASARC, and JPL.
Radar is an inventory and data exploration service
Finder Chart
A visualization tool to cross-compare image data sets from various missions. The goal is to provide a finder chart showing the same region of sky at various wavelengths and epochs.
NVO Quick Sky Statistics
Generates source counts, coverage maps, and links to downloadable data for catalog holdings available through the NVO protocols, including IRSA, NED, and CDS VizieR.
Atlas - A General Data Collection Search Service
Atlas is a single CGI program which can be used to search the following data collections:


Image Mosaics
Montage is a toolkit for assembling FITS images into custom mosaics.
Coordinate/Object Lookup
Makes use of NED and SIMBAD to look up coordinates for astronomical objects by name, as well as providing transformations of coordinates from one system to all others.
Dust Extinction Service
An interactive service that uses the maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner and Davis to return extinction along the line of sight through the Galaxy. Returns image cutouts, and supports upload of lists of sources.
QA Tools
Quality Assurance Tools for IRSA data providers.
Cutouts Service
The IRSA Cutouts Service is a general tool which can be used to create small "cutout" FITS images (and JPEGs) from collections of data archived at IRSA. Each data set that uses the Cutouts service has a separate Cutouts user interface that allows the user to retrieve cutout images at multiple locations and sizes.
Data Tags
Returns data encoded in a published Data Tag, which link science publiactions with archives.


Gator Catalog Query
A query building service that allows users to extract data from Infrared Astronomy Catalogs held at the NASA/Infrared Science Archive.
Baby Gator
Quick access to IRSA's most popular source catalogs.

(Holdings)Images & Spectra


2MASS Image Services
Delivering Atlas images from the 2MASS All-Sky Release.
Extended Source Image Server
Retrieve "postage stamp" images using the name or coordinates of an extended source.
Large Galaxy Atlas Service
Mosaic images, jpeg previews, plots, and source characterization measurements for over 500 of the largest galaxies imaged by 2MASS.
Large Galaxy Atlas (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve multiple FITS images from the 2MASS Large Galaxy Atlas.


The Improved Reprocessing of the IRAS Survey (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve images from the IRIS data set
ISSA Image Viewer
Retrieve image and catalog data from the IRAS Sky Survey Atlas
IRAS Sky Survey Atlas (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve multiple FITS images from ISSA
IGA Images
Download high resolution images of the Galactic plane at 60 and 100 µm.
The IRAS Galaxy Atlas (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve multiple images from the IGA
The Extended IRAS Galaxy Atlas (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve images from the EIGA
The Mid-Infrared Galaxy Atlas (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve images from the MIGA
Tool for visualizing, plotting, and averaging calibrated IRAS survey scans.
A powerful tool for studying morphology and for separating confused sources
Dust Extinction Service
An interactive service that uses the maps of Schlegel, Finkbeiner and Davis to return extinction along the line of sight through the Galaxy. Returns image cutouts, and supports upload of lists of sources.


MSX Image Viewer & Catalog Overlay
Retrieve MSX region images, optionally overlaid with MSX or IRAS Point Source Catalog data and a Galactic Coordinate Grid.
MSX Image Viewer (using Atlas)
Retrieve MSX region images and MSX mosaics using Atlas.


Spectrum Server
Provides data access and visualization services for spectra released by the SWAS Science Operations Center in CLASS and FITS formats.


Infrared Telescope in Space (IRTS)
(using Atlas)
Retrieve image, catalog and spectra from the IRTS satellite which surveyed approximately 10% of the sky at wavelengths ranging from 1 to 1000 µm.

NASA Exoplanet Science Institute

NExScI - PTI & KI Public Data (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve metadata information from the Palomar Testbed Interferometer and Keck Interferometer observations.

Spitzer Space Telescope

Spitzer Space Telescope
Interface to the post-BCD data products at Spitzer Space Telescope
Spitzer FirstLook Survey Ancillary VLA Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to radio component source lists and FITS image files for the Spitzer FirstLook Survey VLA images.
Great Observatories Origins Deep Survey (GOODS)
(using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve GOODS images.
Spitzer Local Volume Legacy Survey (LVL))
(using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve LVL observations
2MASS 6x Lockman Hole (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to search for preliminary deep (6x) 2MASS observations of the Lockman Hole.
Spitzer Reserved Observation Catalog Atlas
Allows access to the Spitzer ROC, for scheduled/approved observations.
Spitzer Reserved Observation Catalog Atlas
Allowed access to the Spitzer ROC, for scheduled/approved observations.
Spitzer FLS — NOAO Extragalactic R-band Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to NOAO MOSAIC camera data covering the entire extragalactic First Look Survey region in the R-band. Available to the public are image FITS files, bad pixel maps, exposure maps and source catalogs of each pointing.
Spitzer FLS — NOAO ELAIS N1 R-band Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to NOAO MOSAIC camera data covering the ELAIS N1 region in the R-band. Available to the public are image FITS files, bad pixel maps, exposure maps and source catalogs of each pointing.
SAGE Spitzer and Ancillary Data
Provides access to the Spitzer SAGE Legacy Enhanced Products data.
Spitzer Wide-area InfraRed Extragalactic Survey (SWIRE) (using Atlas)
Provides access to the SWIRE survey, where complementary groundbased data are available for the Spitzer MIPS far-infrared and IRAC mid-infrared cameras, for three of the six SWIRE fields.
C2D Spitzer and Ancillary Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to the Spitzer C2D Legacy Enhanced Products data.
FEPS Spitzer and Ancillary Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to the Spitzer FEPS Legacy Enhanced Products data.
GLIMPSE Spitzer and Ancillary Image Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to the Spitzer GLIMPSE Legacy Enhanced Products Image data.
GLIMPSE Spitzer and Ancillary Catalog/Archive Data
(using Gator)
Provides access to the Spitzer GLIMPSE Legacy Enhanced Products Catalog/Archive (source list) data.
MIPSGAL Spitzer Legacy Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to images from MIPSGAL: A 24 and 70 Micron Survey of the Inner Galactic Disk with MIPS
SINGS Spitzer and Ancillary Data
(using Atlas)
Provides access to the Spitzer SINGS Legacy Enhanced Products data.
Spitzer FLS - Ancillary MMT/Hectospec Spectral Data
(using Atlas)
First delivery of the spectroscopic survey using the MMT/Hectospec fiber spectrograph of 24µm sources selected with the Spitzer Space Telescope in the Spitzer First Look Survey (FLS). These data are combined with 291 additional redshifts for sources from the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS).
COSMOS - Spitzer Legacy (S-COSMOS) (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve images taken for the S-COSMOS project with the Spitzer Space Telescope.
FIDEL Spitzer and Ancillary Data
Provides access to the Spitzer FIDEL Legacy Enhanced Products data (images).
GOALS Spitzer and Ancillary Data
Provides access to the Spitzer GOALS Legacy Enhanced Products data (images and spectra).
Taurus Spitzer and Ancillary Data
Provides access to the Spitzer Taurus Legacy Enhanced Products data (images and catalog).


ISO Visualizer
A tool for displaying ISO observations on the sky and providing links to the ISO postcard server.
ISO Spectra from the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS) (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve spectra from the Short Wavelength Spectrometer (SWS).


The Sloan Digital Sky Survey - Quick Cutouts
(using FinderChart)
Access the Sloan Digital Sky Survey (SDSS) quick data cutouts using a visualization tool that allows cross-comparison of images from various surveys of different wavelengths and different epochs.
The Sloan Digital Sky Survey - Mosaics
(using Montage)
Use the IRSA and NVO image mosaic service to return science-grade SDSS mosaics that (a) preserve fluxes and astrometry and (b) rectify backgrounds to a common level.


Cosmic Evolution Survey (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve image and catalog data taken for the Cosmic Evolution Survey with HST project.
COSMOS - Spitzer Legacy (S-COSMOS) (using Atlas)
Use Atlas to retrieve images taken for the S-COSMOS project with the Spitzer Space Telescope.



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