CS 14 and TPF-Darwin abstracts

This page last updated: 03/13/2025 16:20:20

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internal bookkeeping number final official abstract numberlname, fname presentation type categorytitle/link to abs
85 89 Aarnio, Alicia Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Proposed New Members of the HD 141569 Association
190 55 Adams-Wolk, Nancy Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) "Sigma Orionis in X-rays, Chandra and XMM observations"
382 328 Adams-Wolk, Nancy Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Changes To The ACIS Instrument Setup On The Chandra X-ray Observatory
63 214 Afram, Nadine Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Modeling molecular polarization from starspots
65 265 Aigrain, Suzanne Thursday: Invited Talk Extrasolar Planets The COROT exoplanet programme
114 166 Aiouaz, Tayeb Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Effect of the solar magnetic field structures on thermodynamic properties and spectroscopic observables in the solar atmosphere.
25 71 Akeson, Rachel Poster I Debris Disks Central dust in the beta Leo debris disk system
193 27 Alencar, Silvia Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Spectropolarimetric analysis of the classical T Tauri star GQ Lup A
189 329 Alexov, Anastasia Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects NASA/IPAC Infrared Science Archive (IRSA): A Lot More Than Just Data
352 330 Ali, Babar Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects The Stellar Archive and Retrieval System
401 338 Ali, Babar Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects The Herschel Space Observatory
353 424 Ali, Babar Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks The Stellar Archive and Retrieval System
310 21 Allen, Lori Monday: Invited Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Spitzer Imaging Studies of Star Forming Regions
207 125 Allen, Peter Poster I Brown Dwarfs New Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs in Lupus
69 5 Allende Prieto, Carlos Monday: Invited Talk Helioseismology and Abundances The Abundances of oxygen and carbon in the solar photosphere
241 145 Allers, Katelyn Poster I Brown Dwarfs Gravity and Temperature Sensitive Features in the Near-IR Spectra of Brown Dwarfs
12 90 Ammler, Matthias Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Characterisation of the Ursa Major group
198 78 An, Deokkeun Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure A Reexamination of the Distances to Galactic Cepheids
146 28 Anandarao, Boddapati Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Modelling of Circumstellar Disks in low-mass Pre-Main-Sequence Stars: A Case Study on RNO 91
92 217 Anandarao, Boddapati Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Near-infrared H and K band Spectroscopy of a Selection of AGB Stars
73 37 Apai, Daniel Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The Onset of Planet Formation in Brown Dwarf Disks
323 260 Apai, Daniel Thursday: Splinter Splinter Disks Around Cool Stars and Brown Dwarfs
341 367 Apai, Daniel Contrib Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths High--Contrast Imaging in the L-band with MMT/Clio and the 6pc Survey: Exploring the Closest Exoplanets through Angular Differential Imaging
335 393 Ardila, David Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 An immediate precursor to Debris Disks? Coronagraphic Observations of HD
336 425 Ardila, David Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Debris Disks in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group
163 331 Arentoft, Torben Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects SONG - a global network of small telescopes for asteroseismology and planet searches
226 6 Ayres, Thomas Monday: Contributed Talk Helioseismology and Abundances "The Solar Oxygen Problem: Crisis, Catastrophe, or Opportunity?"
331 177 Ayres, Thomas Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Alpha TrA Junior
232 294 Baliber, Nairn Poster II Winds and Spins A Study of Angular Momentum of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in IC 348
3 120 Barber, Robert Poster I Brown Dwarfs Application of Barber-Tennyson synthetic water line list (& ammonia in prep.) to brown dwarf spectra
165 105 Barman, Travis Tuesday: Invited Talk Brown Dwarfs Uncertainties in Brown Dwarf Models
62 269 Barnes, John Poster II Extrasolar Planets Infrared Spectroscopic detection of Hot Jupiters
129 295 Barnes, Sydney Poster II Winds and Spins Ages for illustrative field stars using gyrochronology
82 38 Barrado y Navascues, David Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The Lambda Orinos Star Forming Region: the Spitzer Perspective
203 266 Basri, Gibor Thursday: Contributed Talk Extrasolar Planets The Kepler Mission: Terrestrial Exoplanets and Stellar Activity
78 2 Basu, Sarbani Monday: Invited Talk Helioseismology and Abundances What has helioseismology taught us about the Sun?
11 3 Bedding, Tim Monday: Invited Talk Helioseismology and Abundances Asteroseismology of solar-like stars
325 315 Beichman, Charles Friday: Splinter Splinter Habitability and Life on Planets Around Cool Stars
386 374 Beichman, Charles Invited Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Search for Habitable Planets: Synergies and Long Term Prospects
337 403 Belikov, Ruslan Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Wavefront Control in a Shaped-Pupil Coronagraph: First Results from the Princeton Testbed
259 161 Belvedere, Gaetano Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A Theoretical Investigation on Stellar Magnetic Activity in AB Dor
332 377 Bennett, David Contrib Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability "Gravitational Microlensing Observations Indicate that Cool, Super-Earth Mass Planets are Common"
115 158 Berdyugina, S.V. Tuesday: Contributed Talk Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields First detection of molecular circular polarization in starspots
1 146 Berger, Edo Poster I Brown Dwarfs Direct Measurements of Magnetic Fields in M and L Dwarfs from Radio Observations
225 239 Berger, David Wednesday: Contributed Talk Testing Evolutionary Models The Radius-Luminosity Relation from Near-Infrared Interferometry: New M Dwarf Sizes from the CHARA Array
6 106 Biller, Beth Poster I Brown Dwarfs Discovery of a Brown Dwarf Very Close to the Sun: A Methane-rich Brown Dwarf Companion to the Low-Mass Star SCR 1845-6357
264 358 Biller, Beth Contrib Talk Photons from Giant Planets "A Survey of Close, Young Stars with SDI at the VLT and MMT"
140 79 Bochanski, John Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Local Galactic Structure and Dynamics: M Dwarfs as Tracers of Galactic Populations
290 234 Boden, Andy Wednesday: Invited Talk Testing Evolutionary Models Testing Stellar Evolutionary Models Through Interferometric Dynamical Mass Determinations
106 56 Bonito, Rosaria Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-ray and optical emission in protostellar jets: model predictions and comparison with observations
157 80 Boone, Roggie Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Metallicity in the Solar Neighborhood Out to 60pc
147 135 Boudreault, Steve Poster I Brown Dwarfs "A precise, deep determination of the substellar mass function in the open cluster IC 2391"
162 324 Bourke, Stephen Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Automated Analysis of Radio Surveys for Ultracool Dwarfs
372 136 Bouy, H. Poster I Brown Dwarfs Mid-IR observations of Upper Scorpius ultracool dwarfs
307 390 Brain, David Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 Energy Deposition by Solar Energetic Particles in the Upper Atmospheres of
54 185 Brickhouse, Nancy Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Cool Star Science and Atomic Data Needs
318 230 Brickhouse, Nancy Tuesday: Splinter Splinter Spectral Diagnostics of Hot Plasma from Cool Stars
224 29 Brown, Alexander Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) HST ACS Imaging of the Fluoresced Ultraviolet Molecular Hydrogen Emission Around T Tauri
282 419 Brown, Alexander Poster II Star-Planet Interactions/ Stellar Evolution/ Habitability Stellar Activity on Local Association (7-100 Myr) Dwarfs and Its Potential Influence on Their Protoplanetary Systems
191 168 Browning, Matthew Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Global Simulations of Convection and Magnetism in M-dwarfs
111 426 Bryden, G. Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Spitzer-Resolved Debris Disks around Solar-Type Stars
103 81 Bubar, Eric Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure KECK HIRES Spectroscopy of Candidate Post T Tauri Stars
223 178 Buccino, Andrea Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Analysis of magnetic activity of F to M main sequence from IUE observations
379 422 Buccino, Andrea Poster II Star-Planet Interactions/ Stellar Evolution/ Habitability The UV Habitable Zone Around the M Star Gl 581
41 104 Burgasser, Adam Tuesday: Contributed Talk Brown Dwarfs Subsolar Metallicity Substellar Objects
271 111 Burgasser, Adam Poster I Brown Dwarfs Binaries and the L/T Transition
364 375 Butler, R. Invited Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Planets Around Low Mass Stars
274 39 Caballero, Jose Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) IRAC Spitzer photometry in sigma Orionis
311 22 Calvet, Nuria Monday: Invited Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Dust evolution and planet formation in disks around young stars
402 69 Carpenter, John Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Evidence for Mass-dependent Circumstellar Disk Evolution in the 5 Myr-old Upper Scorpius OB Association
119 318 Carpenter, Kenneth Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Direct Imaging of Stellar Surfaces: Results from the Stellar Imager (SI) Vision Mission Study
105 427 Carson, Joseph Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks A Palomar Adaptive Optics Coronagraphic Survey of TPF-C Candidate Targets
329 378 Catanzarite, Joseph Contrib Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Detection of planets in the habitable zones of nearby stars by Terrestrial Planet Finder and SIM PlanetQuest
204 240 Chaboyer, Brian Wednesday: Contributed Talk Testing Evolutionary Models M-Dwarf Stellar Models
108 387 Chen, Christine Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability The Dust and Gas Around beta Pictoris
20 159 Cheung, Mark Tuesday: Contributed Talk Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Magnetic flux emergence in the solar photosphere
148 218 Chiavassa, Andrea Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Red supergiant convection and atmosphere
230 162 Close, Laird Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Accurate Mass Determination of Young Low Mass Objects with Theoretical Evolutionary Tracks
182 82 Covey, Kevin Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Measuring the Luminosity Function of Low-Mass Stars With Matched Survey Datasets
212 332 Craine, Eric Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects The Global Network of Astronomical Telescopes (GNAT) as a Source of Cool Star Photometry
160 270 Cranmer, Steven Poster II Extrasolar Planets Exoplanet-Induced Chromospheric Activity: Realistic Light Curves from Solar-type Magnetic Fields
29 291 Cranmer, Steven Friday: Invited Talk Winds and Spins Winds of Main-Sequence Stars: Observational Limits and a Path to Theoretical Prediction
133 169 Crespo-Chacon, Ines Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Spectroscopic properties of UV Ceti-type stars
130 202 Crespo-Chacon, Ines Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Weak X-ray flares on the BY Dra-type binary star CC Eri
166 103 Cruz, Kelle Tuesday: Contributed Talk Brown Dwarfs A New Population of Young Brown Dwarfs
35 9 Cunha, Katia Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances Pinning Down the Solar Neon Abundance using non-LTE Results from Orion B stars
216 102 Cushing, Michael Tuesday: Invited Talk Brown Dwarfs Spitzer Spectroscopy of Ultracool Dwarfs
56 170 Dall, Thomas Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Slow rotation - high activity: The mystery of HR1362
42 325 Davenport, James Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects SDSS/Johnson-Cousins/2MASS Color Transformations for Cool Stars
74 112 Day-Jones, Avril Poster I Brown Dwarfs On the search for benchmark brown dwarfs in binaries
293 372 Defrere, Denis Contrib Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths Performance study of space-based infrared Bracewell interferometers
79 428 Dehn, Matthias Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks The influence of non-equilibrium dust formation on the atmosphere of brown dwarfs
188 147 Delorme, Philippe Poster I Brown Dwarfs Finding ultracool Brown Dwarfs in the CFHTLS
385 350 Deming, Drake Invited Talk Photons from Giant Planets Science from Transit Follow-up Photometry and Spectroscopy
272 203 Desai, Priya Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields "A comparison of Fe XVIII and Fe XIX, EUV to X-Ray Line Ratios of Active Stars using Chandra Grating
53 43 Dhital, Saurav Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Periodic accretion from a circumbinary disk in the young binary UZ Tauri E
120 356 Dobbs-Dixon, Ian Contrib Talk Photons from Giant Planets Slowing Embedded Migration
292 156 Donati, Jean-Francois Tuesday: Invited Talk Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Magnetic topologies of cool stars
309 7 Drake, Jeremy Monday: Invited Talk Helioseismology and Abundances Abundances from Other Means: A Cosmic Chemical Composition Caprice
156 163 Dunstone, Nicholas Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields The life and death of stellar prominences
219 304 Dupree, Andrea Poster II Winds and Spins The Structured Chromosphere and Wind of TW Hya
131 333 Dupuy, Trent Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Detecting Transiting Planets and Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries with Pan-STARRS-1
244 126 Eisenhardt, Peter Poster I Brown Dwarfs The first field brown dwarf discovered by Spitzer
113 376 Endl, Michael Contrib Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Determining eta_Earth: the case for late M-dwarfs
302 409 Enya, Keigo Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths The SPICA mission and the MIR-coronagraph for SPICA
15 20 Evans, Neal Monday: Invited Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Star Formation: From Cores to Disks
168 57 Facundo Albacete Colombo, Juan Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-ray variability of young PMS stars in Cygnus OB2
135 137 Faherty, Jacqueline Poster I Brown Dwarfs Substellar Mass Objects in the Orion OB1a and OB1b Association
377 70 Fajardo-Acosta, Sergio Poster I Debris Disks Spitzer Galactic First Look Survey Studies of the Incidence of Dust Around Field Stars
22 171 Fekel, Francis Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A Search for Maunder Minimum States in a Sample of Solar-Type Stars
231 296 Ferreira, Joao Poster II Winds and Spins On magnetic braking of young cool stars
66 305 Fischer, Will Poster II Winds and Spins He I 10830 as a Probe of Outflow and Accretion in T Tauri Stars
97 66 Flaccomio, Ettore Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) DROXO: X-ray Flares and Coronal Structures in Rho Ophiuchi
283 172 Fluri, Dominique Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Stellar activity in terms of dynamo modes
406 152 Folkes, Stuart Poster I Brown Dwarfs Discovery of a nearby L-T transition object in the Southern Galactic plane
150 47 Forbrich, Jan Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) "Simultaneous X-ray, radio, near-infrared, and optical monitoring of Young Stellar Objects in the Co
28 264 Fortney, Jonathan Thursday: Contributed Talk Extrasolar Planets Infrared Spectra and Light Curves of Hot Jupiters in the Spitzer Era
249 53 Fukagawa, Misato Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Spitzer Detections of Disks around Very Low-Mass Stars in Taurus
70 271 Fukue, Tsubasa Poster II Extrasolar Planets Emission Line from Exotorus
88 319 Gaedke, Ansgar Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Development of a gas absorption cell for the near infrared
222 83 Gaidos, Eric Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Cool Stars in a hot place: The early cluster environment of the Sun and other low mass stars
300 357 Gaidos, Eric Contrib Talk Photons from Giant Planets Heaven or hell? Giants and IMPs
199 164 Garcia-Alvarez, David Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Stellar coronae in saturated and supersaturated late-type stars.
67 72 Gautier, Thomas Poster I Debris Disks Far Infrared Properties of M Dwarfs
235 148 Gelino, Christopher Poster I Brown Dwarfs Searching for Metal-Poor L and T Dwarfs: An Adaptive Optics Survey of Cool Subdwarf Stars
90 44 Germano Sacco, Giuseppe Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) "FLAMES multi-object spectroscopy of low-mass stars in the ""twin"" young clusters Sigma Ori and Lam
52 48 Getman, Konstantin Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The youngest X-ray protostar & triggered star formation in IC 1396N
45 179 Giampapa, Mark Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Chromospheric Activity in the Solar-Type Stars in M67
40 410 Give'on, Amir Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths "Closed-loop wavefront correction for high-contrast imaging: the ""Peak-a-boo"" algorithm"
405 433 Glassman, Tiffany Poster II (late submission) New Worlds Observer: Optical Simulation
234 52 Glauser, Adrian Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The gas-to-dust ratio near stars and protostars in the Taurus Molecular Cloud
262 113 Golimoski, David Poster I Brown Dwarfs Preliminary Orbit and Masses of the Nearby Binary L Dwarf GJ 1001BC
49 58 Gondoin, Philippe Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-ray activity of low-mass PMS stars in the Lupus 3 star-forming complex
356 370 Gondoin, Philippe Invited Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths Candidate architectures for the Darwin missions
14 138 Greaves, Jane Poster I Brown Dwarfs Planetary mass cloud cores in Ophiuchus
110 30 Gregory, Scott Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Rotationally Modulated X-ray Emission from T Tauri Stars
305 391 Grenfell, Lee Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 Biomarker Response to Galactic Cosmic Ray-Induced NOx and the Methane
304 423 Griessmeier, Jean-Mathias Poster II Star-Planet Interactions/ Stellar Evolution/ Habitability The flux of galactic cosmic rays to the atmosphere of close-in Earth-like Exoplanets
13 238 Grupp, Frank Wednesday: Contributed Talk Testing Evolutionary Models How accurately can we determine stellar parameters: The case of Teff in F and G type stars
98 24 Guedel, Manuel Monday: Contributed Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Highlights of the XMM-Newton Extended Survey of the Taurus Molecular Cloud (XEST)
19 45 Guenther, Hans Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Accretion shock emission modelled in TW Hydrae
10 272 Guenther, Eike Poster II Extrasolar Planets Planets of young stars
403 151 Guieu, Sylvain Poster I Brown Dwarfs On the circumstellar environment of brown dwarfs in Taurus
81 382 Guinan, Edward Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Magnetic Dynamo driven strong XUV Emmissions of Young dG-M Stars and effects on Hosted Planets and Life
389 359 Guyon, Olivier Invited Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths Comparison of Coronagraph Designs Planet Detection and Astrophysics With TPF-C
344 402 Guyon, Olivier Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Telescope to Observe Planetary Systems (TOPS)
59 173 Hall, Jeffrey Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Synoptic Observations of Cycling and Flat Activity Solar Analog Stars
109 107 Hallinan, Gregg Poster I Brown Dwarfs Pulsed Coherent Radio Emission at the Substellar Boundary
107 297 Hamilton, Catrina Poster II Winds and Spins Rotation Periods of Stars in NGC 2362: Extending the Timeline for Angular Momentum Evolution
102 306 Harper, Graham Poster II Winds and Spins Potential Impact of the EVLA on Studies of Thermal Radio Emission from Cool Evolved K-Early M Star Winds
376 242 Harris, Gregory Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models "Low mass, low metallicity stellar evolution models computed with a non-grey surface boundary condit
328 25 Hartmann, Lee Monday: Invited Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Dynamical Theory of Star Formation
39 40 Harvey, P. Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The YSO Luminosity Function in Serpens as Observed by the Spitzer c2d Legacy Project
91 273 Hatzes, A.P. Poster II Extrasolar Planets Planets around K Giant Stars
55 204 Hawley, Suzanne Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Near-Ultraviolet Spectroscopy of Flares on YZ CMi
261 334 Heap, Sally Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Properties of Cool Stars in the HST Next-Generation Spectral Library
409 340 Heap, Sally Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Properties of Cool Stars in the HST Next-Generation Spectral Library
185 432 Hearty, T. Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks A Library of Whole Earth Spectra with AIRS
5 219 Hekker, Saskia Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Pulsations detected in the line profile variations of red giants
144 220 Hekker, Saskia Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Can star spots mimic the long term sinusoidal radial velocity variations observed in red giants?
89 124 Helling, Christiane Poster I Brown Dwarfs Observable micro-physics in brown dwarfs -- non-equilibrium dust cloud formation
312 26 Helou, G. Monday: Invited Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The Spitzer Space Telescope Extended Mission
245 307 Herczeg, Gregory Poster II Winds and Spins How Hot is the Wind from TW Hydrae?
233 215 Hernan-Obispo, M. Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Active regions in a sample of late-type rapid rotator stars: spectroscopic analysis
180 243 Heyrovsky, David Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models Stellar Limb Darkening Measurement from Gravitational Microlensing Observations
265 236 Hillenbrand, Lynne Wednesday: Invited Talk Testing Evolutionary Models An Assessment of Empirical Constraints on the Ages and Age Spread of Stars in Star Forming Regions and Young Clusters
68 205 Hilton, Eric Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Characteristics of M Dwarf Flares
221 320 Hinkley, Sasha Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects High Contrast Imaging with the Lyot Project and Integral Field Spectroscopy for Exoplanets
43 308 Holzwarth, Volkmar Poster II Winds and Spins Theoretical mass loss rates of cool main-sequence stars
257 121 Homeier, Derek Poster I Brown Dwarfs Dust Formation and Cloud Settling from Low Mass Stars to Planetary Mass Brown Dwarfs
202 108 Hora, Joseph Poster I Brown Dwarfs "Near-Infrared Observations of IRAC M, L, and T Dwarfs with PAIRITEL"
159 321 Horner, Scott Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects "Cool Stars, Star and Planet formation, and Disks studies with JWST NIRCam"
237 206 Hudson, H. Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Alternative solar paradigms for stellar X-ray activity
218 59 Huenemoerder, David Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Young Stellar Objects in the epsilon Chamaeleontis Group: Probing Proto-planetary Disk Systems in the HD 102437 Field with the Chandra/HETGS.
371 373 Hunyadi, Sarah Contrib Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths How Many Planets Will TPF-I Find? - A new model of mission capability
152 165 Hussain, G.A.J. Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Building detailed models of the X-ray corona of AB Dor using Chandra data
194 189 Hussain, G. Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields "Mapping the total spot coverage at the surface of the K star, V378 Tau."
365 379 Ida, Shigeru Invited Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Planets around low-mass stars - theory
275 109 Ireland, Michael Poster I Brown Dwarfs Precision Masses of Very-Low-Mass Stars and Brown Dwarfs with Aperture-Masking Interferometry and Astrometry
86 298 Irwin, Jonathan Poster II Winds and Spins The Monitor project: Rotation periods of low-mass stars in young open clusters
267 299 James, David Poster II Winds and Spins "A 1 sq. Degree BVI Survey of IC 4665: New Insights into Rotation, Magnetic Activity and Lithium Evo
301 404 Janson, Markus Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths CESO: A concept for direct imaging of extrasolar Earth-like planets from the ground
155 190 Jardine, Moira Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Polar Caps on Active Stars: Magnetic Flux Emergence and Transport
327 316 Jardine, Moira Friday: Splinter Splinter Coronal Structure of Pre-Main Sequence Stars
142 174 Jarvinen, Silva Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Flip-flop phenomenon in active stars
60 191 Jarvinen, Silva Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Doppler Imaging with temperature dependent LSD
326 317 Jayawardhana, Ray Friday: Splinter Splinter Sub-Stellar Twins: Binarity in the Brown Dwarf Regime
269 192 Jeffers, S.V. Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Extreme Levels of Surface Differential Rotation on the Young G0 Dwarf HD 171488
101 114 Jeffries, R.D. Poster I Brown Dwarfs Very low-mass stars and brown dwarfs in close binary systems
61 122 Johnas, Christine Poster I Brown Dwarfs Application of Profile Functions in Synthetic Spectra for Ultra Cool Dwarfs
170 31 Johns-Krull, Christopher Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The Magnetic Field of the Class I Protostar WL 17
253 155 Johns-Krull, Christopher Tuesday: Invited Talk Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Photospheric Magnetic Field Measurements on Late-Type Stars and Brown Dwarfs
391 368 Johnston, Ken Invited Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths TPF-I/Darwin
167 221 Josselin, Eric Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Atmospheric dynamics and the mass loss process in red supergiants
357 388 Jura, M. Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Indirect Constraints on Terrestrial Planets Orbiting White Dwarfs
360 389 Kaltenegger, Lisa Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 Decoding Earth's spectra through its evolution
187 222 Karovska, Margarita Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Variable Accretion in the Interacting Mira AB System
375 361 Kasdin, N. Invited Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths Review of Coronagraphic Laboratory Results
208 274 Kashyap, Vinay Poster II Extrasolar Planets Is Stellar X-Ray Activity affected by Close-in Extrasolar Giant Planets?
383 115 Kasper, Markus Poster I Brown Dwarfs The very nearby M/T dwarf binary SCR 1845-6357
378 139 Kasper, Markus Poster I Brown Dwarfs Search for substellar companions in the Tucana and Beta Pictoris moving groups
215 60 Kastner, Joel Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) High-resolution X-ray Spectroscopy of the Nearby T Tauri Star System Hen 3-600
313 157 Keller, Christoph Tuesday: Invited Talk Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields New observations of the magnetic vector field across the solar disk
340 411 Kenworthy, Matthew Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Smoothing out the wrinkles: on-sky testing of the Apodized Phase Plate at 5 microns
47 235 Kervella, Pierre Wednesday: Invited Talk Testing Evolutionary Models "Interferometric angular diameters, linear radii and stellar modeling"
213 100 Kirkpatrick, J. Davy Tuesday: Invited Talk Brown Dwarfs Outstanding Issues in Our Understanding of L and T Dwarfs
171 84 Klutsch, Alexis Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Newly discovered multiple systems in the RasTyc sample
172 85 Klutsch, Alexis Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Stellar X-ray sources as the diagnostic of local star formation history
248 10 Koesterke, Lars Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances A New Code for the Calculation of Spectra and Spectral Energy Distributions from 3-D Hydro Simulations
134 116 Konopacky, Quinn Poster I Brown Dwarfs New Very Low Mass Binaries in the Taurus Star-Forming Region
104 193 Kopf, Markus Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A new Zeeman Doppler Imaging code utilizing a fast Stokes-Profile synthesis
83 194 Korhonen, Heidi Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Doppler imaging of Li rich giants HD 109703 and HD 217352
84 216 Korhonen, Heidi Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Correlated photospheric and chromospheric activity in EY Dra
8 4 Korn, Andreas Monday: Contributed Talk Helioseismology and Abundances "Atomic diffusion -- helium, lithium and heavy elements"
123 41 Kospal, Agnes Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Search for long-term infrared variability in young eruptive stars with the Spitzer Space Telescope
250 140 Kraus, Adam Poster I Brown Dwarfs The Role of Mass and Environment in (Sub)stellar Multiplicity
374 412 Krist, John Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Hunting Planets and Observing Disks with the JWST NIRCAM Coronagraph
395 395 Kuchner, Marc Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 General Astrophysics with TPF-C
354 380 Lammer, Helmut Invited Talk CS14 Splinter Session: Star-Planet Interactions and Implications for Habitability Atmospheric erosion caused by stellar coronal plasma flows on terrestrial exoplanets within close-in habitable zones of low mass stars
362 11 Landi, Enrico Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances Neon and oxygen absolute abundances in the solar corona
209 267 Laughlin, Gregory Thursday: Invited Talk Extrasolar Planets Theoretical Perspectives on Planet Formation Models
346 244 Law, Nicholas Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models 21 New Very Low Mass Close Binaries Resolved in the Visible
288 86 Lawler, Samantha Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure A Search for Warm Dust in the Habitable Zones Around Solar-Type Stars
363 400 Lawler, Samantha Contrib Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks A Search for Warm Dust in the Habitable Zones Around Solar-Type Stars
384 371 Lawson, Peter Invited Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths Advances in Nulling Interferometry 1998-2006
369 369 Lay, Oliver Invited Talk Planet Detection at IR Wavelengths Architectures for TPF-I/Darwin
266 101 Leggett, Sandy Tuesday: Invited Talk Brown Dwarfs Properties of the Coolest Dwarfs
93 73 Lestrade, J.-F. Poster I Debris Disks Search for Cold Debris Disks around M-dwarfs
27 207 Liefke, Carolin Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Multi-wavelength observations of a giant flare on CN Leo
118 23 Linsky, Jeffrey Monday: Contributed Talk Star Formation (Cores to Disks) "The Eagle Nebula: Pillars of Creation, EGGs, and PMS stars in NGC 6611"
238 275 Lister, Tim Poster II Extrasolar Planets Follow-up strategies for the SuperWASP extrasolar planet candidates
247 117 Liu, Michael Poster I Brown Dwarfs Benchmark Brown Dwarfs: Ultracool Astrophysics from Substellar Binaries and Companions
299 360 Lo, Amy Contrib Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths New Worlds Discoverer Occulter Performance
211 118 Looper, Dagny Poster I Brown Dwarfs Identifying L/T Transition Binaries Through Spectroscopic Morphologies
201 245 Lopez-Morales, Mercedes Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models Six New Low-Mass Eclipsing Binaries below 1Msun
176 186 Lopez-Santiago, Javier Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields X-ray variability in main sequence field stars
347 127 Lowrance, Patrick Poster I Brown Dwarfs IRAC study of Very-Low Mass Pleiades Members
348 223 Luttermoser, Donald Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Cool Stars Sing the Blues -- The Encore
32 405 Lyon, Richard Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths 3D Vector Optical Modeling for TPF Coronagraph
289 300 MacGregor, Keith Poster II Winds and Spins "Models fo Differentially Rotating, 1 -2 Solar Mass Main-Sequence Stars"
345 364 Macintosh, Bruce Contrib Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths Gemini Planet Imager
291 61 Maggio, Antonio Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-ray emission from an adolescent classical T Tauri star
400 337 Mainzer, Amy Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects The Wide-field Infrared Survey Explorer
174 429 Maldonado, Jesus Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Towards the Characterization of the Darwin Stars
251 91 Mamajek, Eric Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure A New Candidate Post-T Tauri Group at d ~ 90 pc Associated with 32 Ori
322 261 Mamajek, Eric Thursday: Splinter Splinter Stellar Ages
122 128 Marengo, Massimo Poster I Brown Dwarfs A k-NN Method for Brown Dwarfs Searches with Spitzer/IRAC
37 123 Marley, Mark Poster I Brown Dwarfs A New Mechanism for the L to T Transition
361 352 Marley, Mark Invited Talk Photons from Giant Planets Directly Imaged Companions: Planets or Brown Dwarfs?
296 354 Marois, Christian Contrib Talk Photons from Giant Planets GQ Lup B Optical and Near-Infrared Photometry: A Surprising Planetary Mass Object/Brown Dwarf!
64 195 Marsden, Stephen Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Surface Differential Rotation and Convection Zone Depth
350 110 Marshall, J. Poster I Brown Dwarfs Extreme Subdwarfs from the rNLTT Catalog
169 87 Martinez-Arnaiz, Raquel Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Characterizing the solar neighborhood: High resolution spectroscopy of nearby FGK stars
227 293 Matt, Sean Friday: Invited Talk Winds and Spins Understanding the Spins of Young Stars
287 406 McCarthy, Chris Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Detection of Terrestrial Planets with SIM/PlanetQuest
254 322 McElwain, M.W. Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects OSIRIS Spectral Imaging of Closely Separated Binaries
295 355 McElwain, Michael Contrib Talk Photons from Giant Planets First High-Contrast Science with an IFU: the Sub-Stellar Companion to GQ Lup
324 262 Megeath, S. T. Thursday: Splinter Splinter Cool Stars in Hot Places: The Role of Environment in the
242 301 Meibom, Soren Poster II Winds and Spins The effect of binarity on stellar rotation - beyond the reach of tidal synchronization
77 13 Melendez, Jorge Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances "Abundances in Bulge, Disk and Halo Stars"
145 302 Messina, Sergio Poster II Winds and Spins Long-term photometric monitoring of WTTS stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster (ONC).
112 141 Metchev, Stanimir Poster I Brown Dwarfs Brown-Dwarf Companions to Young Solar Analogs: Frequency and Properties
256 74 Meyer, Michael Poster I Debris Disks Formation and Evolution of Planetary Systems: Placing Our Solar System in Context
330 401 Millan-Gabet, Rafael Contrib Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Probing Pre-Planetary Disks at sub-AU Scales with IOTA Closure Phases
178 15 Mitra-Kraev, Urmila Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances The direct modeling approach to measuring the Sun's meridional flow
181 208 Mitra-Kraev, Urmila Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields The recombining flaring plasma of EV Lac
197 42 Monnier, John Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Directly measuring the physical properties of the dust evaporation front in YSOs
177 92 Montes, David Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure High resolution spectroscopic analysis of cool stars possible members of nearby young moving groups
154 129 Morales-Calderon, Maria Poster I Brown Dwarfs Spitzer: A search for Weather in late-L Brown dwarfs
7 276 Mugrauer, Markus Poster II Extrasolar Planets Multiplicity study of Exoplanet host Stars
46 277 Mugrauer, M. Poster II Extrasolar Planets HD3651B: the first directly imaged brown dwarf companion of an exoplanet host star
270 323 Muirhead, Philip Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Radial Velocity Precision with the Triple Spec Spectrograph in the Near-Infrared
358 417 Muirhead, Philip Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Radial Velocity Precision with the TripleSpec Spectrograph in the Near-Infrared
397 397 Murakami, Hiroshi Contrib Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks AKARI's Observational Plan for Debris Disks
284 187 Neff, James Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Time-Resolved O VI Spectra of CF Tuc and PZ Tel
277 418 Nielsen, Eric Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Simulating Extrasolar Planet Populations for Direct Imaging Surveys
306 407 Nishikawa, Jun Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Coronagraph experiments with dynamic range absorption by pre-optics
351 351 Oppenheimer, Ben Invited Talk Photons from Giant Planets Science with Ground-Based Coronagraphy
158 209 Osten, Rachel Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Nonthermal Hard X-ray Emission and Iron Kalpha Emission from a Superflare on II Pegasi
243 54 Padgett, Deborah Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The Taurus Spitzer Legacy Project
279 416 Palle, Enric Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Earth as an Exoplanet: Determining the Rotational Period and Presence of Clouds from Photometric Simulations
281 384 Penz, Thomas Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Host star influence on the atmospheric evolution of 'Hot Neptunes'
398 68 Perrin, Marshall Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Observing YSO Outflows with LGSAO: Imaging Spectroscopy of a Highly Collimated Bipolar Jet from LkHa 233
338 408 Peters, Mary Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths A High Strehl Visible Telescopic Test Bed for Planet Finding Coronagraphs
320 231 Pinfield, David Tuesday: Splinter Splinter Mining the next generation of surveys for cool star science
80 278 Pinfield, David Poster II Extrasolar Planets A near infrared transit survey with the UKIRT Wide Field Camera
263 1 Pinsonneault, Marc Monday: Invited Talk Helioseismology and Abundances The Legacy of John Bahcall
399 286 Plavchan, Peter Poster II Extrasolar Planets A Transit Search with the 2MASS Calibration Database
179 326 Plez, B. Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Identification of near-UV predissociation lines of CH in carbon-enhanced Fe-poor stars
315 263 Pont, Frederic Thursday: Invited Talk Extrasolar Planets Transiting Planets
186 32 Prato, Lisa Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) A Spectroscopic Binary Survey of Young M Stars in Ophiuchus
183 49 Prisinzano, Loredana Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Properties of the PMS stars in the Orion Nebula Cluster from the UV to 24 microns photometry
48 335 Pye, John Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Cool Stars in the Second XMM-Newton Serendipitous Source Catalogue (2XMM): Time Variability
387 366 Quirrenbach, Andreas Invited Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths Dynamical Searches for Planets
239 224 Ramirez, Solange Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Cool Evolved Stars in a Spitzer/IRAC Survey of the Galactic Center
342 394 Ramos-Stierle, Francisco Contrib Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 Preparing for Kepler: Simulating Stellar Microvariability
116 12 Randich, Sofia Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances A VLT/FLAMES survey of Galactic open clusters
206 279 Raymond, Sean Poster II Extrasolar Planets A Decreased Probability of Forming Habitable Terrestrial Planets around Low-Mass Stars
236 420 Raymond, Sean Poster II Star-Planet Interactions/ Stellar Evolution/ Habitability Water Delivery and Giant Planet Orbital Limits for Habitable Planet Formation
276 292 Rebull, Luisa Friday: Invited Talk Winds and Spins Rotation in Young Stars
100 75 Redfield, Seth Poster I Debris Disks Observations of Gas and Dust in Nearby Edge-On Disk Systems
31 175 Reiners, Ansgar Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Direct measurements of magnetic fields in late M-dwarfs
72 130 Riaz, Basmah Poster I Brown Dwarfs Characterizing the disk around the brown dwarf planetary system 2MASSW J1207334-393254
58 196 Rice, John Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Multi-line Doppler imaging: getting the most out of your echelle
349 142 Riddick, Fiona Poster I Brown Dwarfs The Trapezium Cluster IMF
132 76 Roberge, Aki Poster I Debris Disks A Spitzer Survey for Debris Disks with Gas and Dust
26 62 Robrade, Jan Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-ray properties of classical and weak-lined T Tauri stars in the Cha I dark cloud
95 280 Rockenfeller, Boris Poster II Extrasolar Planets Modelling spectroastrometric signatures of binary stars and exo-planets
258 281 Rojas, Barbara Poster II Extrasolar Planets Metallicity determination of M dwarfs with TripleSpec
380 399 Rottgering, Huub Invited Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks General Astrophysics with Darwin/TPF
255 226 Rottler, Lee Poster II Post-Main-Sequence Distance Determination to Mira Variables Using Radial Velocity and Interferometric Measurements
252 282 Saar, Steven Poster II Extrasolar Planets Possible Detection of Planet-induced X-ray Emission in the HD 179949 System
153 210 Sanz-Forcada, Jorge Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Eclipsed X-ray flares in binary stars
394 386 Scalo, John Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability The Three Buffers: Does the Galactic Environment Matter for Habitability?
36 8 Schmelz, Joan Monday: Contributed Talk Helioseismology and Abundances Neon Lights Up a Controversy: the Solar Ne/O Abundance
184 149 Schmidt, Sarah Poster I Brown Dwarfs Activity and Kinematics of Ultracool Dwarfs
33 197 Schmidt, Tobias Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A new Doppler image of the weak-line T Tauri star V410 Tauri
57 14 Schmitt, Juergen Poster I Helioseismology and Abundances Alpha Centauri and the abundance of neon in the local universe
44 365 Schneider, Jean Contrib Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths The Super-Earths Explorer project
30 181 Schroeder, Christian Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A new method to measure Ca II H&K emission in very fast rotating stars
246 63 Schulz, Norbert Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Coronal Diagnostics of Pre-Main Sequence Stars in the ONC
121 150 Schweitzer, Andreas Poster I Brown Dwarfs Low Metallicity Models of Ultracool Dwarfs and the L Type Subdwarf Class
214 67 Sciortino, Salvatore Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Results from the Deep Rho Ophiuchi XMM-Newton Observation (DROXO).
210 283 Seager, Sara Poster II Extrasolar Planets The Mass-Radius Relation for Low-Mass Exoplanets
392 381 Seager, Sara Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Life on the Dark Side: Tidally Locked Planets
388 385 Segura, Antigona Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Photochemical effects on terrestrial planet atmospheres
117 33 Seifahrt, Andreas Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Integral-field spectroscopy of GQ Lup b
240 225 Sellgren, Kris Poster II Post-Main-Sequence CNO Abundances in the Really Cool Stars at the Galactic Center
408 154 Semenova, Alina Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Doppler Imaging of Sigma Geminorum
126 303 Sherry, William Poster II Winds and Spins The GNAT V Band Variability Survey of the Pleiades
220 132 Shukla, Sonali Poster I Brown Dwarfs Spitzer Observations of Substellar Companions
294 227 Silvestri, Nicole Poster II Post-Main-Sequence The Search for Magnetic White Dwarfs in Cataclysmic Variable Progenitor Systems
192 246 Simon, Michal Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models Interferometric Measurement of PMS Stellar Diameters and hence Ages
125 198 Skelly, Mairead Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Doppler Imaging of T Tauri Stars in the TW Hya Association
51 64 Skinner, Stephen Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) X-rays and Protostars in the Embedded Infrared Cluster NGC 2071
268 34 Slesnick, C.L. Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) A Distibuted Population of Low Mass Pre-Main Sequence Stars Near the Taurus Molecular Clouds
280 336 Solano, Enrique Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects Discovery and characterization of Brown Dwarfs using Virtual Observatory tools.
303 413 Solano, Enrique Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths DAMA: a VO-tool for the Darwin mission
200 284 Soto, Kurt Poster II Extrasolar Planets Preparing for Kepler: Understanding Solar Microvariability
333 414 Soummer, Remi Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths Measuring and Modeling the detection limits in high contrast coronagraphic images
334 415 Soummer, Remi Poster II Planet Detection at Visible & Infrared Wavelengths An Apodized Pupil Lyot Coronagraph for the Gemini Planet Imager instrument
308 398 Stapelfeldt, Karl Invited Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Optical Imaging of Disks: From HST to TPF-C
38 228 Starrfield, Sumner Poster II Post-Main-Sequence The 2006 Explosion of the Recurrent Symbiotic Nova RS Ophiuchi
87 237 Stassun, Keivan Wednesday: Contributed Talk Testing Evolutionary Models "Empirical Constraints on the Structure, Formation, and Evolution of Young, Low-Mass Stars and Brown
319 232 Steinacker, Juergen Tuesday: Splinter Splinter The Formation of Low-Mass Protostars and Proto-Brown Dwarfs
16 143 Stelzer, Beate Poster I Brown Dwarfs Short-Term Emission Line Variability in the Accreting Young Brown Dwarf 2MASS 1207-3932
17 211 Stelzer, Beate Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Simultaneous V-band and soft X-ray observation of a giant flare on an M8 dwarf
149 46 Stempels, H.C. Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) The highly variable CTTS binary S CrA
173 133 Stephens, Denise Poster I Brown Dwarfs IRS Spectroscopy of 14 Late-L and T Dwarfs
96 199 Strassmeier, Klaus Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields "First STELLA science: 360 consecutive nights of telescope time, per year!"
94 119 Street, R.A. Poster I Brown Dwarfs Brown Dwarf and Low-Mass Binaries from SuperWASP-N.
24 200 Suwald, Felix Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Zeeman-Doppler Imaging of stellar magnetic fields with the Occamian approach
21 309 Suzuki, Takeru Poster II Winds and Spins Structured Red Giant Winds with Magnetized Hot Bubbles and the X-ray Dividing Line
367 363 Tamura, Motohide Invited Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths JTPF and planet finding activities in Japan
139 285 Tanner, Angelle Poster II Extrasolar Planets M Dwarfs as Desirable Targets for Planet Search Surveys
373 392 Tarter, Jill Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability - 2 Searching for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
355 421 Terada, Naoki Poster II Star-Planet Interactions/ Stellar Evolution/ Habitability Stellar radiation and particle induced ion-escape from CO2-rich Earth-size and mass exoplanets within the habitable zones of dwarf stars
164 241 Terndrup, Donald Wednesday: Invited Talk Testing Evolutionary Models "Theory, Synthesis, and Future Directions"
71 229 Testa, Paola Poster II Post-Main-Sequence X-ray flare modeling in the single giant HR 9024
390 362 Traub, Wesley Invited Talk Planet Detection at Visible Wavelengths Planet Detection and Astrophysics With TPF-C
339 430 Turner, Neal Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Probing Interstellar Dust With The TPF-Coronagraph
229 144 Umbreit, Stefan Poster I Brown Dwarfs Disks Around Brown Dwarfs in the Ejection Scenario
316 268 Valenti, Jeff Thursday: Invited Talk Extrasolar Planets Metallicities and Planet Formation
138 134 Van Gordon, Mollie Poster I Brown Dwarfs Atmospheric properties of L dwarfs evidenced by spectral features in the infrared (5-15 micron)
407 434 Velusamy, Thangasamy Poster II (late submission) Multiple-Sized Dust Grains in Planetary Resonances in Vega Debris Disk
297 327 von Braun, Kaspar Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects The Spitzer MIPS 24 micron Photometric Light Curve of the Eclipsing M-Dwarf Binary GU Boo
34 182 Walkowicz, Lucianne Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Observations of Chromospheric Lines in Cool Dwarfs
128 183 Wallerstein, George Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields On the boundry temperatures of K and M giants
151 188 Walter, Frederick Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields The Spatial Structure of the Coronae of XY UMa in March 2005
50 65 Wang, Junfeng Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) A Chandra View of the Rosette Star-Forming Complex
273 35 Watanabe, Sei-ichiro Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Thermal instability of Irradiation-dominated protoplanetary disks
136 201 Weber, Michael Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Nonradial surface flow on giant stars
18 88 West, Andrew Poster I Solar Neighborhood and Galactic Structure Using Galactic Dynamics to Infer the Evolution of Magnetic Activity in Cool Stars
298 212 Wheatley, Jonathan Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Flaring Cool Dwarf Stars in the GALEX Ultraviolet Sky Surveys
205 50 Winston, Elaine Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Serpens: Spitzer and Chandra Observations of a Nearby Region of Star Formation.
278 290 Wolff, Sidney Friday: Invited Talk Winds and Spins Stellar Winds and the Evolution of Angular Momentum
99 51 Wolk, Scott Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Observations of Massive Young Clusters with the Great Observatories
321 233 Wolk, Scott Tuesday Night Special After hours special: Large Community Projects for the Great Observatories
404 339 Wolk, Scott Poster II Instruments/ Methods/ Projects An Archive of Chandra Observations of Regions of Star Formation (ANCHORS)
143 213 Wolter, Uwe Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields A 3D-view of an highly active stellar atmosphere
127 310 Wood, Brian Poster II Winds and Spins FUSE Observations of 40 Eri B (and C!)
286 36 Woods, Paul Poster I Star Formation (Cores to Disks) Benzene formation in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks
381 431 Woods, Paul Poster II Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks Benzene formation in the inner regions of protoplanetary disks
137 184 Wright, Jason Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Chromospheric Activity in Cool Stars from the California & Carnegie Planet Search
396 396 Wright, Gillian Invited Talk Current Work and Astrophysics Potential of TPF: Young Stars and Disks "Young Stars, Planets, Disks with JWST"
366 353 Wuchterl, Guenther Invited Talk Photons from Giant Planets Towards a general theory of planet formation: Classifying GQ Lupi b and predicting COROT's planets.
228 176 Yang, Hao Poster I Solar and Stellar Magnetic Fields Magnetic Properties of TW Hya Association
370 247 Yee, Jennifer Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models Lithium Depletion in the Beta Pictoris Moving Group
393 383 Yelle, Roger Invited Talk Evolution of Stars and Habitability Effect of X-Ray/EUV on Gas Giant Planetary Atmospheres
75 248 Yildiz, Mutlu Poster II Testing Evolutionary Models Models for internal stuctures of components of Hyades binaries: the dependence of the mixing-length parameter on stellar mass